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Fresh Backup Reinstall, Modules Not Functioning


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This is very odd but when I did a fresh restore of everything, I got a few errors but I managed to fix those - all except one (or 3 depending how you look at it)


When going into modules under admin, you're supposed to be taken to a screen with your different modules listed so you can either turn them on/off, change settings, etc.


I'm getting that page with no errors other than the fact that there are no modules listed.


It shows the directory for those modules but does not show anything otherwise.


I double, triple, quadruple checked and yes, all my modules are in their directories with correct permissions, etc.


I'm wondering what I've done wrong or need to change in my files to correct this lack of modules.


A person can check out in my store just fine except they are not given any payment choices, shipping choices, or coupon entry choices (I installed the gv-admin contribution before). What I mean by "just fine" is that they are given no errors such as "cannot connect to shipping calculator, etc etc etc"


Here is a screenshot if it helps:


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I would suspect that your catalog file system path is incorrect in admin/includes/configure.php - try:


  define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home2/dhocken/public_html/catalog/');





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