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The e-commerce.

to delete or not to delete, that's the question


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I'd like to hear everyones opinion about this.


i got sick of having to have a spplash page that redirected my customers from root/index.htm to root/catalog/index.php so i copied all of the OSC files and basiclly moved them one directory up (to the root) now cutomers go directly to root/index.php


great, i love it. what concerns me though, is now that i moved everything search engines will be directing potential customers to pages that dont' exist! atleast until the search bot comes back and updates. :angry:


am i better off running the store in both locations (for a while/permently) or should i just delete the catalog/ directory now? :unsure:


this change really seems like it could cause my shop to have a slow period. is there a way around this? :blink:


any thoughts or opinions will be much apreciated...



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