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The e-commerce.

Is OSC right for me?


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First post - be gentle ....


I am setting up a second phase of a website application, the use of which I intend to charge for.


The first phase was fundamentally the same (core programming) but its input and interface left a lot of onus on the user inputting correct information. this second phase is much more refined and in many ways more professional and versatile. I wont link as i gather advertising is not acceptable. I will leave the first phase up as free for use until i get the second phase complete - it has been free use until now - "aww how quaint"


None of this is of course is osc related - except that ... i wish to handle payments of varying amounts fpr various degrees of access and use of the application - mostly time related. this is where i come to the osc part


is OSC suitable for such a service only application? at first glance it seemed very comprehensive and professional. another main reason for looking into oscommerce was the amount of recommendation i got from other websites for osc and to be honset ive been so buried in application programming i have invested little thought into the handling of money - its not what geeks do best. (bill gates aside :blink:)


are there any of the featured/live shops here for service only implementations, or do you think osc is likely too large for what i need - sorry to ask turkey to vote for christmas with that one.


oddly enough the closest thing i have seen to the model i need (i think) is along th lines of *ahem* adult subscription *ahem*


not my cup of tea but the model seems appropriate - trouble is all the info i can get on such systems seems to be tied up completly with the 'adult' connection and cant find a standalone application to purchase and they all seem a little too expensive


any thoughts gladly received - and likewise if i have posted in the wrong place do move.




laura :)

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