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The e-commerce.

Speed issue


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I have an oc installation at http://www.sex-e-toyz.com (Warning - Adult Content !)


The site is running very slowly.


I have removed the product counters and correctly configured the cacheing system but it still takes approximateley 15 seconds for any page to load.


I am using the simple templating contrib - could this be slowing it down ?


Thanks for any help you can provide !!

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another item regarding speed, is where your site is being hosted. does the host have faster than t3 lines? t1 lines are fine, if you only have a few sites, and if on lines slower than t1 lines, not much more you will be able to do. does your host limit the bandwidth you can use for your site?

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Thanks for the advice. I dont think using relative paths will make much difference. I need to increase page load times by more than 10 seconds.


I think the fault lies with the hosting provider. They have too many domains running on the server and although standard html loads fairly quickly - anything else is too much for it.


I am sure if I moved th domain away it would be alot quicker.

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