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The e-commerce.

link to osc


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I want to add a few html pages to my site that don't require the shopping cart. I have added these to the catalog directory, and have successfully linked to them from "header.php." I want to link back to osc from those pages. I'm assuming that I need to link to index.php. Here's what I'm using so far


 <a href="index.php" onmouseover="document.images['home ...


I have no idea if this is right, but I get the error "Forbidden, You don't have permission to access /catalog/< on this server." I'm running on localhost.


Can anyone tell me the error of my ways??





new as they come, and greener than...

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instead of linking to index.php why not try www.yoursite.com/catalog/ ? Dont know if that would make a differance.


Also, I had seperate HTML pages, but then I decided I didnt want my users leaving the store in order to go to the informational pages, so I used the Articles Mod and I transfered all the html pages over to that. Then I linked them all to my Java based naviagtional bar in header.php . Now the only time they leave the store is for the forum, but I will soon have that integrated into the store also.

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Sorry, I misspoke. I got the error when I used the line


<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT); ?>" onmouseover="doc ...


linking to "index.php" actually does work for me. I must have been doing something wrong when I tried it the first time. Thanks for the advice though. I may rethink how I want the site set up, and try to integrate the information pages into osc as you have suggested.


Thanks for the help!

new as they come, and greener than...

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