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Need Help!


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:( I dont know how to change the BG Color of the page. I have tried the Style Sheet and have found nothing..... Maybe i am missing something here, and i dont know what it is. But if someone could help me out, it would be appreciated. Thank You.

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open the stylsheet and look for this code


 background: #FFFFFF;


change the FFFFFF to 90cccc


save your file and upload it


then go view your site and tell me that the background is a sort of aqua colour

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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look for this code


TR.header {

background: #ffffff;


and change to


TR.header {
BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/header_bar_bluelines.gif) repeat;
?/* background: #ffffff; */


with or without the repeat.


in this case the image is located in images and is called header_bar_bluelines.gif but could be what ever you choose.


It is all there in the stylesheet.


play around with it and always keep a backup in case you make a mistake and cannot remember the changes.

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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thanx..guess i'm just doing something wrong cuz' even copying that i can't get it to work..oh well, it probably looks better without anyhow..

now if i could figure out how to edit links, etc. that are in the 'info boxes' etc..

thanx again

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