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The e-commerce.

Site now up Please check it out


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Hi All,


Would like some feed back as site is due to go live very shortly.


I have a few questions:-


1. Is a splash page required for good spider indexing?

2. How do I get rid of shipping option box (free shipping - downloads) this appear on view shopping cart when there is something in it?

3. Which .php file needs modifying in order to border product images in shopping cart view and featured products. I have done on new products/latest product images ok


All criticism or positive comments welcome





Store = www.micros2u.co.uk

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Green scrollbar on IE window at the right - don't like.


Your site title is wrong it is showing META_TAG_TITLE.


I thought there was something in osCommerce for virtual products which do not require shipping and the shipping option will not show up for those.


Going to view basket with no items in it I see the text "Shopping Basket Contents" and "Shopping Cart is empty!" and the breadcrumb is "HOME ? Catalog ? Cart Contents", come on which is it a basket or a cart :P

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Thanks mike for comments... Basket it is!! now anyway. These details don't always show unless someone else has a look.


I have the loaded6 oscommerce version (loads of contributions) I have the meta_tag.php installed but I want to get rid of it ... not sure how to.



Green scrollbar??? Mine is standard grey on light grey ????? why are you seeing different.


How does the overall site design fair?




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