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Easy Populate - Serious help needed


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I uploaded a clean version of oscommerce to my webserver and added Easy Populate to it. When trying to upload "complete tab-delimited.txt " file , the same file as was downloaded this is the error I get.

Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/catalog/temp/EP2003Dec28-1111.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phplijxYg' to '/home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/catalog/temp/EP2003Dec28-1111.txt' in /home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32

File uploaded.
Temporary filename: /tmp/phplijxYg
User filename: EP2003Dec28-1111.txt
Size: 80020

Warning: file(/home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/catalog/temp/EP2003Dec28-1111.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 644

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 667


I have looked at the line numbers and can't see anything

  // get the entire file into an array
 $readed = file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $tempdir . $usrfl_name);
if ($localfile){
 // move the file to where we can work with it
 $file = tep_get_uploaded_file('usrfl'); 	 $attribute_options_query = "select distinct products_options_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . " order by products_options_id";

	 $attribute_options_values = tep_db_query($attribute_options_query);

	 $attribute_options_count = 1;
	 //while ($attribute_options = tep_db_fetch_array($attribute_options_values)){
 if (is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
	 tep_copy_uploaded_file($file, DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $tempdir);

 echo "<p class=smallText>";
 echo "Filename: " . $localfile . "<br>";

 // get the entire file into an array
 $readed = file(DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . $tempdir . $localfile);

// now we string the entire thing together in case there were carriage returns in the data
$newreaded = "";
foreach ($readed as $read){
 $newreaded .= $read;


// the $filename parameter is an array with the following elements:
// name, type, size, tmp_name
function tep_copy_uploaded_file($filename, $target) {
if (substr($target, -1) != '/') $target .= '/';

$target .= $filename['name'];

move_uploaded_file($filename['tmp_name'], $target);


Any help would be great




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Thanks , I have done that but still get these errors. ???

Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/catalog/temp/EP2003Dec28-1111.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpFmh9Fj' to '/home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/catalog/temp/EP2003Dec28-1111.txt' in /home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 32

File uploaded.
Temporary filename: /tmp/phpFmh9Fj
User filename: EP2003Dec28-1111.txt
Size: 80020

Warning: file(/home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/catalog/temp/EP2003Dec28-1111.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 644

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/pcpulse/public_html/catalog/admin/easypopulate.php on line 667



I have looked at the lines there's eroes on , but can't find any.



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Look for the line where it sets the temp directory and change '/catalog/temp/' to '/temp/' or '/catalog/temp' to '/temp' (depending on what's on that line).




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You have an extra 'catalog' in the path:




This is a file system path, so look at these - in both your configuration file and the contribution.



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