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Member Password recovery not working


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Member Password recovery not working


2.2 MS 2


When I use my test member account to recover password it says it was sent successfully but I never receive the email with the new password.


The password is being changed because I can't log on with the original test member's password now.


I did a search on this topic but didn't find anything. Thanks for any help.


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Can we presume that you accessed the admin and changed the information for user and password to reflect your own email address or is it still set on the default admin@localhost.


You could go to your sql and chang ethe user and pass there.


or if it is just a .htaccess file remove it or change the details.


If the .htaccess file points to a password file change the password file.


If you require more help you can pm

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Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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Thanks for the help 241,


I can get in Admin no problem and I did reset admin log on to my own.


My problem is testing the store as a customer. One of the first things people will use is the lost password function and it's not mailing out the recover password even though the screen says it was successfullt sent. I don't want to manually help many members find their lost passwords. That's what the recover password is for.


I can use the "Send Email To Customers" and it works.


email settings are


E-Mail Transport Method - sendmail

E-Mail - Linefeeds LF

Use MIME HTML When Sending Emails - false

Verify E-Mail Addresses Through DNS -false

Send E-Mails -true


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I am sorry I miss read your question and thought it was another admin login problem.


I will have a think to this one and if I can help I shall.

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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