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Category sort order


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How can i change the sort order for the category menu? not products.. just the menu which appears to sort alphabetically. I would like to be able to arrange that menu as I see fit to. Just not sure where... maybe I'll snoop around, i did search for somethin here in the forums but i can't yield a good search result in here for nothin. any help appreciated.

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In Admin, select the Category and click on edit. Sort Order is 3rd down and you can arrange categories there. You can also combine alphabetic with sort order by making some categories the same value in sort order.



Citizen of US Minor Outlying Islands

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if only products were that easy to sort.. or maybe im missing something there too.


i have a bunch of hosting plans as products.. with model numbers like hosting_0001, 2, 3, etc.. was hoping to sort em that way but also havent figured that out. Yay! im still up! omg i have to go before the sun comes up

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