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The e-commerce.

Both email (smpt / sendmail) not work


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I am a new user to OsCommerce and running a testing. So far, everything go fine, but not email/newsletter. I nearly read through all messaeg here, but still can't help my case. My ISP don't need to authenticate(no need to provide accoutn or password) for sending out email thru their SMTP server.


Whenever I try to send out newletter to my client(it is me) from OsCommerce. Browser prompts:-


Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in c:\appserv\www\catalog\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 500


My system:

Windows 2000

AppServ 2.2.0

Apache 1.3.28

MySQL verion 3.23.57-nt

PHP 4.3.3

Sendmail for Windows V2.01


My PHP.ini configuration[mail function]

; For Win32 only.

SMTP = localhost


; For Win32 only.

sendmail_from = [email protected]

sendmail_path = c:\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t


Please help me, I have phpbbs running on my server. email works fine in PHPbbs. I have already lost my way, please help me :(

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