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The e-commerce.

shipping module


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Hi, I am looking for a module where i can set a base price for ?


for example

here is the price chat


if some one total order cost is $75 >> then the shipping flat rate is $20 for normal delivery and $50 for 2 days delivery


if the total clost is $125 >> then the shipping flast rate is $30 etc for regular delivery and $60 for 2 days delivery etc...


some one please direct me to the right module please

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From my experience there is no module that lets you do what you want. In fact I haven't seen a contribution that does it either. But consider this...Table.php in catalog/includes/modules/. this does half of what you need..Now i am a newby but it seems to me if this module was copied and renamed ExpressTable.php, of course quite a few file names would have to be changes also, you would have the multiple choice you need on the customer shipping screen. I have a similar problem with the USPS module..namely with insured, return receipt and regitered mail. I can use table.php to solve the calculating problems for the differnet addon charges but haven't worked out eliminating its appearence on the customers shipping screen but still get it to add to the different regular USPS rates before being echo'd to the customer screen. Since that screen does not allow multiple choices by the customer.....As soon as my test site is set up I will work it out..Good luck

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Have you had any success at copying and renaming table.php.


Ive renamed the files and the obvious in /languages/english/shipping/table.php etc but Im a bit lost at what else to change?


Id appreciate any help with this.





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