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There is absolutely no support for this contribution any longer?


I want to be able to use ratio buttons rather than drop down menu.

  • 3 weeks later...
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Hello, i noticed no post in ages in this forum. But i'll ask my question any how.


I've got ccc working well, the only problem i have is no info is coming into the Pending Builds.


Just wondering is anyone might know how to fix this.




  • 1 month later...



Does anyone know how to link directly to a ccc build? (you know, the starting config of a preconfigured system)... links don't seem to work because ccc.php uses <form> rather than <a> to pass the information to build.php.




Does anyone know how to add radio buttons to a particular component? (e.g. on the hard drive section it displays radio buttons for non-raid, raid-mirror or raid-stripe)


Oh, and...


Does anyone know how to add check box options like a section to include different types of software (e.g. Would you like MS Works ? [CHECKBOX] , Would you like PaintShop? [CHECKBOX]... etc)






  • 2 weeks later...
I am having difficulties installing it onto my system.


I have tried it twice with these following errors:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in /home/brownie/public_html/catalog/includes/filenames.php on line 24


The main thing i need to ask is how do you enter database entries? Its just the last step in the 'readme' that i need help with.


Is there any other documentation with this config. Any help would be appreciated. You can instant message me on:


[email protected] or


[email protected] for email.


Regards Matt


To add database entries you need to open mysql then add them. More information can be found by doing a search within the general forum.



Maybe someone can point me in the right direction when ever i add products it seems I am limited to 16 items ...why and how do i change this ?


There's hardly ANY documentation on this, and I'm stuck. I have it installed and I can *barely* figure this out. Anyone have any getting started tips?


nevermind my last post, I wouldn't ask my worst enemy to try to write a manual on how to use this. i'll just stumble over it. my next question though is what files do i need to access in order to change the look of it. it's ugly, and really blows up my site, and the text and background colors in a few areas are the same so I can't see them... has anyone ventured into this area? or is this one of those impossibilities like changing the drop down to radio buttons? which I might add would be wonderful to be able to do. in fact, has anyone figured that out? so in overview my questions are:

  1. what files do i need to edit to change the look of how CCC looks in my site
  2. if it can be done, how do i switch to using radio buttons instead of a dropdown

and i hear that the guy that originally designed this, Stephen Walker, worked with this guy Kevin Javitz from a company called IT Web Experts, to flesh out a less buggy, more stable version of CCC, and they now sell it for a (IMHO) inflated price of $400 USD.


so *I* think that we need to regroup and work up something even sweeter than what's going on there. first off, we might need to liven this forum up a bit.


Apparently the forum doesn't allow me to edit a post... can't seem to discover why so I am reposting my edited message......


nevermind my last post, I wouldn't ask my worst enemy to try to write a manual on how to use this. i'll just stumble over it. my next question though is what files do i need to access in order to change the look of it. it's ugly, and really blows up my site, and the text and background colors in a few areas are the same so I can't see them... has anyone ventured into this area? or is this one of those impossibilities like changing the drop down to radio buttons? which I might add would be wonderful to be able to do. in fact, has anyone figured that out? so in overview my questions are:

  1. what files do i need to edit to change the look of how CCC looks in my site
  2. if it can be done, how do i switch to using radio buttons instead of a dropdown

and i hear that the guy that originally designed this, Stephen Walker, worked with this guy Kevin Javitz from a company called IT Web Experts, to flesh out a less buggy, more stable version of CCC, and they now sell it for a (IMHO) inflated price of $400 USD.


apparently they were able to solve a few of my questions with this paid version. they were able to implement radio buttons, a nicer look and feel, and plus the damn thing just works. (envious) take a look at what i mean... (IT Experts Site) (IT Experts site with the demo of the paid version of CCC)


so *I* think that we need to regroup and work up something even sweeter than what's going on there. first off, we might need to liven this forum up a bit. secondly we should pull our talents together, i know i can't code for crap, but i'm good with layouts, styling, and other things. we need someone who bleeds code and has a vested interest in getting this to be a top notch - stable contrib. who's with me?


I'm with ya!


I too discovered that site with the enhanced CCC and thought that the price was too high. I would love some help to improve my CCC with product links, radio buttons and checkboxes so if there's anyone out there that is able to help this group out it would be greatly appreciated.


I'm in the process of restyling OSC and CCC so that it fits the rest of the site but it's not easy. I have had to go into each file and seperate all the HTML code from the php code and then hand edit my cosmetic changes. The online shop is hidden whilst it's being developed but you can see some pics here...


OSC and CCC screenshots





Posted (edited)

OK Guys!


You talk about regrouping... I am interested because I tried to get some support about this contrib at Web IT, and they suggested I buy for an arm... I have been working for three months now on this, and guest what, my new version is nearly ready, i took some bugs out, installed a scroll of parts in build and put up a new repacked version I will call V9.4, installed images that were missing, changed layout and colors, integrated the fixes I found, and corrected a bug in shopping cart.


And much more... But the only thing is that I need help to test it and correct the last 2 remaining bug


1 - No pending orders


2 - Pictures on/off features does work, always go to the default in admin...




try it on






Anybody interested of helping solve and updated this contrib and put it where it belongs...



Edited by xmedias

Guys, you can proceed to a full checkout, just put



CCC TEST in the comment of the order and I will delete it instead...

Guys, you can proceed to a full checkout, just put

CCC TEST in the comment of the order and I will delete it instead...


Looks good. More stable. What all did you change, did you write a changelog? Are you up to speed with PHP and coding?


I'm to the point now, that I am looking to hire someone to take this - revise it to a stable application - and then upload it to the contributions section. I know, very well, that I would rather not pay so I can keep these costs down, but it is almost worth it. Perhaps this would be an investment everyone would be interested in.


XMedias- have you touched on how to change the drop downs to radio buttons. That's something I'm very interested in doing, and I know that I saw that mentioned a few times throughout this topic. Also have you discovered a way to eliminate the "Show Pictures" option and have the process automatically show pictures? And lastly, is there a method to styling the attributes in CCC? The basic install only references one thing I need to put in my stylesheet... Are there others to control the user interface?


It has been so long since I fixed the pending orders on my install, but if you post your custom_checkout.php I could compare the line using WinMerge. I am running CRELoaded, so my copy may not be of any help. I believe it was in a sql query. The javascript at the top is to pass a complete http content header to the browser first to work in CRELoaded because the original ccc passed content before a header in cre.


function popup($vMsg,$vDestination) {
echo("<title>System Message</title>\n");
echo("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;

echo("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/JavaScript\">\n");
echo("window.location = ('$vDestination');\n");
// require('includes/application_top.php');
 require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . FILENAME_CCC);
 if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['fsb'] ==''){
 include(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/custom_computer.php');
 $defines_query = tep_db_query('select config_name, config_value from ccc_config');
 while ($defines = tep_db_fetch_array($defines_query)){
 $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link('build.php', '', 'NONSSL'));
 $custom_category_raw = tep_db_query("select products_id from ".TABLE_PRODUCTS." order by products_id desc");
 $custom_category_values = tep_db_fetch_array($custom_category_raw);
 $message = '';
 $tax_rate = tep_get_tax_rate(ccc_tax_class);
 $message .= '<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">';
 $i = 0;
 $edit_prod = '';
 $computer_weight = '';
 $products_name_query = tep_db_query('select fsb_name from '.TABLE_CCC_FSB_DESCRIPTION.' where fsb_id = "'.$HTTP_POST_VARS['fsb'].'" and language_id = "'.(int)$languages_id.'"');
 $products_name_fetch = tep_db_fetch_array($products_name_query);
 $products_name = $products_name_fetch['fsb_name'];
 $ccc_count_query = tep_db_query('select c.*, cd.* from '.TABLE_CCC_CAT.' c, '.TABLE_CCC_CAT_DESCRIPTION.' cd where c.fsb_id = "'.$HTTP_POST_VARS['fsb'].'" and c.cat_id = cd.cat_id and cd.language_id = "'.(int)$languages_id.'" and c.status = "1" order by sort_order asc');
 while ($count = tep_db_fetch_array($ccc_count_query)){
	$i = $i + 1;
	if ($i == 1){
	   $edit_prod .= $HTTP_POST_VARS['new' . $i . '_hidden'];
	   $edit_prod .= '|' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['new' . $i . '_hidden'];
	$products_weight_query = tep_db_query('select products_weight from '.TABLE_PRODUCTS.' where products_id = "'.$HTTP_POST_VARS['new' . $i . '_hidden'].'"');
	$products_weight = tep_db_fetch_array($products_weight_query);
	$computer_weight += $products_weight['products_weight'];
	if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['new' . $i] == "Please Select" || $HTTP_POST_VARS['new' . $i] == ""){
	   $message .= '<tr><td class="smallText">' . $count['cat_name'] . ':</td><td class="smallText">'.TEXT_NONE_SELECTED.'</td></tr>';
	   $message .= '<tr><td class="smallText">' . $count['cat_name'] . ':</td><td class="smallText">' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['new' . $i] .'</td></tr>';
 $products_warranty = '0';
 $products_build = '0';
 $products_total = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Total'];
 if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['warranty'] != '0.00' && $HTTP_POST_VARS['warranty'] != ''){
 $message .= '<tr><td class="smallText">'.TEXT_EXTENDED_WARRANTY.'</td><td class="smallText"><b>'.((CCC_WARRANTY_TAXABLE == 'true') ? $currencies->display_price($HTTP_POST_VARS['warranty'], $tax_rate) : $HTTP_POST_VARS['warranty']).'</td></tr>';
 $products_warranty = '1';
 if (CCC_WARRANTY_TAXABLE == 'true'){
	$products_total_tax = tep_calculate_tax($HTTP_POST_VARS['warranty'], $tax_rate);
	$products_total = ($products_total - $products_total_tax);
 if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['build'] != '0.00' && $HTTP_POST_VARS['build'] != ''){
 $message .= '<tr><td class="smallText">'.TEXT_BUILDING_COMPUTER.'</td><td class="smallText"><b>'.((CCC_BUILD_TAXABLE == 'true') ? $currencies->display_price($HTTP_POST_VARS['build'], $tax_rate) : $HTTP_POST_VARS['build']).'</td></tr>';
 $products_build = '1';
 if (CCC_BUILD_TAXABLE == 'true'){
	$products_total_tax = tep_calculate_tax($HTTP_POST_VARS['build'], $tax_rate);
	$products_total = ($products_total - $products_total_tax);
 $message .= '</table>';

if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['action'] == 'confirm'){
 $product_array = array('products_image' => ccc_dpic,
						   'products_quantity' => quantity,
					 'products_weight' => $computer_weight,
					 'products_date_added' => 'now()',
					 'products_tax_class_id' => ccc_tax_class,
					 'products_status' => status,
					 'products_model' => "Custom",
					 'products_price' => $products_total,
					 'manufacturers_id' => '0'

 if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['edit'] == '1' && $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] != ''){
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_PRODUCTS, $product_array, 'update', 'products_id = "' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . '"');

 $edit_prod_array = array('products_included' => $edit_prod,
						  'products_warranty' => $products_warranty,
						  'products_build' => $products_build);
 tep_db_perform('ccc_system_edit', $edit_prod_array, 'update', 'products_id = "' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . '"');

 $pd_array = array('products_description' => $message,
				   'products_name' => $products_name,
				   'language_id' => (int)$languages_id);
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION, $pd_array, 'update', 'products_id = "' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . '"');
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_PRODUCTS, $product_array);
 $ccc_prod_id = tep_db_insert_id();
 $edit_prod_array = array('products_id' => $ccc_prod_id,
						  'products_included' => $edit_prod,
						  'products_warranty' => $products_warranty,
						  'products_build' => $products_build,
						  'products_systype' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['systype'],
						  'products_fsb' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['fsb']);
 $pd_array = array('products_description' => $message,
				   'products_id' => $ccc_prod_id,
				   'products_name' => $products_name,
				   'language_id' => (int)$languages_id);
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_CCC_EDIT, $edit_prod_array);
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION, $pd_array);

 $header_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')).'action=buy_now&products_id='.$ccc_prod_id);
 if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['edit'] == '1'){
 //tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, 'action=update_product'));
 popup('System has been added to cart.',$header_url);

 popup('System has been added to cart.',$header_url);
if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['edit'] == '1' && $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] != ''){
echo tep_draw_form('cart_update', tep_href_link(FILENAME_CCC_CHECKOUT, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action', 'edit')) . 'action=confirm&edit=1'));

echo tep_draw_form('cart_quantity', tep_href_link(FILENAME_CCC_CHECKOUT, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=confirm'));
 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><table border="0" width="50%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
  <td class="smallText"><?php echo $message; ?></td>
<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>
<td align="right" class="main">
/* Re-Post all POST'ed variables	*/
  while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
	if (!is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key])) {
	  echo tep_draw_hidden_field($key, htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($value)));

 <input type="hidden" name="action" value="buy_now">
 <input type="hidden" name="products_id" value="<?php echo $custom_categ; ?>">
if (!$sess_new){
echo tep_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE);
echo tep_image_submit('button_in_cart.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART);
 <td width="<?php echo BOX_WIDTH; ?>" valign="top"><table border="0" width="<?php echo BOX_WIDTH; ?>" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">




I will repost all the info asked tonight in a post and give a link to the zip file to those who are willing to help me or US progress with this contrib, later






Good job keeping this alive Xmedias and everyone else. I should be recomencing my CCC customisation fairly soon (will be tidying up other code before I dive back in) so hopefully I'll be able to bring something to the table.


In the mean time, it strikes me that changing the drop down menus to radio buttons shouldn't be too difficult as part of the code already exists in the form of the "want us to build it" and "add warranty" options although typically the idea that interests me the most is checkboxes (select as many as you like) as radio buttons perform the same funtion as the drop down menu (select one option and only one).


Let's get this contribution back up and actice.





First of all, I am not PHP God, but really know my way around codes,web design,IT and other stuff. My Moto is like this...




Anyway, what I would to initiate is a small team of person that want to work on the project and release 9.4 at the end of it, some little bug still remains and a couple of options need to be added, (presently working at it), Everything is arranged and logged, repacked everytime a mod is made.


But the thing is that I do not want to release the version until most of the bugs are done and repaired, the reason is simple, just start reading at the beginning of this thread... People post stuff, modify, ask questions, all at the same time, and over populate the forum with question and bugs that those who are trying to develop it get tired of it because they are slowed down in their progress.


What I am suggesting is that if you want to participate in the improvement of the project, PM me and ask for the actual beta release of 9.4. This will make sure I get your name in the contrib and that the progress is monitered by someone! In that case ME! I will log the changes, update file that need to be updates upon solved bugs from other member sending me their progress.


Once we as a team decide the contrib seems OK, I will post it in our names and try to have it kept up to date. I know it seems presumptuous, but I have put so much anger in the project that I do not want it to be an overcrowded flop, like it has been for a while!




I am working on solving pending.php in admin, after that would like to insert radio button or drop list in the admin as an option. As for hiring somebody, if you have money to spare go ahead, but keep in mind that you could use this money to solve just the part we need solved... Depanding on how fast you want it!


''Also have you discovered a way to eliminate the "Show Pictures" option and have the process automatically show pictures? '''


The pictures are easy to enable by default, but keep in mind that some buyers do not have high speed and want the pictures to show only when required. I will think about this one...


And lastly, is there a method to styling the attributes in CCC? The basic install only references one thing I need to put in my stylesheet... Are there others to control the user interface?


As of the style, all the changes I did reside in build.php. That is why I want to insert in the admin the capability to change the headers color, and some other layout features...


SO! TO ALL I SAY, I want to share the contrib wit you you just have to PM me, but I want it to be followed properly in order to finally get it running. The contrib has been out over 3 years and still does not work, what is a week or two before we release it in the contrib section of OSC.






I would need someone to send me their PENDING.PHP in admin if possible, I am trying to figure out something and the code above is not pending.php I guest...



Thanks to all, Ray




I think I just uncovered something about radio buttons...


The function seems already embed in the actual code.



In cat/functions/custom_computer.php


Look around line 80 and swap the comment and you actualy get radio buttons in the build page, but only ON in the confimation page,





return tep_draw_custom_pull_down_menu($name, $mb_array, '', $parameters, $systype, $fsb, $number);

// return tep_draw_custom_radio_field($name, $mb_array, '', $parameters, $systype, $fsb, $number);





// return tep_draw_custom_pull_down_menu($name, $mb_array, '', $parameters, $systype, $fsb, $number);

return tep_draw_custom_radio_field($name, $mb_array, '', $parameters, $systype, $fsb, $number);



Isn't that special...

Posted (edited)

I'm also very intrested in this... I have SOME of the codes from ccc v.10


I haven't looked at it with a loope..


download it here..


www.aziz.dk/ccc_v10.rar (some files are from 9.3)

Edited by shaytaan

?,???`???,?? God must love stupid people, he made so many ??,???`???,?




I downloaded the package and it seem that all files are blank. And WinRar says the file are not recognize... is it possible for you to repack this version just to eliminate tha actual rar package.






Guys, I would need a pending.php script file that work for those who have one.





Step by step guide completed,

Shopping Cart link now works.




Pending that do not show

Radio button




Radio button seem to be embemd in the actual code see previous post for it!!!





I downloaded the package and it seem that all files are blank. And WinRar says the file are not recognize... is it possible for you to repack this version just to eliminate tha actual rar package.






Guys, I would need a pending.php script file that work for those who have one.



Step by step guide completed,

Shopping Cart link now works.




Pending that do not show

Radio button




Radio button seem to be embemd in the actual code see previous post for it!!!




Try www.aziz.dk/ccc_v10.exe

?,???`???,?? God must love stupid people, he made so many ??,???`???,?

Try www.aziz.dk/ccc_v10.exe





I am still working on the package you gave me, probably more to come tomorrow!

I do not have the same version of 9.3 as you, so, I am trying top cross ref each file and get what needed in order to build one that works.


Would you have a pending.php from admin for CCC9.3


I am still trying to get this one sorted out !!!


Thanks, XMedias

Posted (edited)

This for those how are woondering what are the progress with my project of reluaunching this contrib...

Some late fresh new...













I added the following bug fixes to the contribution in order to make it more accessible and efficient:


1 - Clean Out Unordered Builds by Fredrik @ Linkpimp ( See bug fix folder in package for credit and detail )


2 - STS template System layout fix by Christer H. ( See bug fix folder in package for credit and detail )


3 - Rounded Prices 2 fix by setarkos ( See bug fix folder in package for credit and detail )


4 - Fix SQL error in shopping cart link once package is created by Martin Raymond


5 - Produced a Step-by-Step guide to facilitate use... with snap shots and instructions






1 - Enable radio check or drop down list via admin


2 - Roll over colored links in ccc.php


3 - Enable the kit price to show quicker on start up when default parts are selected in admin


4 - Pending orders not showing in CCC admin but show in standard OSC orders


5 - Picture enabling/disabling not working properly










1 - The content in the list is now viewed in a frame.


2 - Default picture inserted in /images folder


3 - Default product picture inserted in /images folder


4 - Some other slight changes impacting on layout/design like position of buttons / prices / and colors


5 - Fixed the scrollbars in popup to enable longer descriptions, scrollbars enable at all times in java.php


6 - Have us built it block color is now customised from Admin


7 - Components Header Block Color is now customised from Admin


8 - Components Background Block Color is now customised from Admin


9 - Parts Scrolling Window Width is now customised from Admin


10 - Parts Scrolling Window Height is now customised from Admin


11 - Page Main Table Border Width is now customised from Admin


12 - Component Scrolling Window Text Header Color is now customised from Admin


13 - Component Description Text Color is now customised from Admin


14 - Main Page Table Background Color is now customised from Admin

Edited by xmedias

New to do list ...





1 - Enable radio check or drop down list via admin


2 - Enable the kit price to show quicker on start up when default parts are selected in admin


3 - Pending orders not showing in CCC admin but show in standard OSC orders


4 - Maybe add a dynamic requirement page, as seen on carbon's page, upon approbation! Hein Carbon... (He has it)


5 - Spread Scroll list (Carbon has it)


6 - Help me decide (Carbon as it)

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