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Custom Computer Creator v9 Support


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  • 3 weeks later...
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ehhhh.... how do I add products?


I can add Categories but I can't see where I can add products to the categories.


Is there a usermanual/screendump for this contribution?



If you have added categories you are nearly there. The item you wish to add must be in your main store. Click on the yellow icon next to the category you wish to add the product to. Click on new product. In the right box, you then click on a the category drop down list. Select the category that the item is in, and find the item you wish to add. Select the item in the box and click on save. Now your selected item will bein your selected category.


I do hope that is right, and that it helps you, if you havent sorted it out already.


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Does anybody know how to change the sort order of the products?

I think they are sorted by product id, but for it would be much more useful, if it is sorted by name.





Cant you use the sort order box in the category that you wish to sort.


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Hi, i have a problem with the product tax, i will appreciate any help.


This is the code in build.php

<center><div id="pricing<?php echo $i;?>" style="visibility:hidden;"><?php echo TEXT_PRICING;?></div></center>


i changed the hidden to visible so it can display prices per product, now it looks like this

<center><div id="pricing<?php echo $i;?>" style="visibility:visible;"><?php echo TEXT_PRICING;?></div></center>


Now it shows the prices per product but without the tax.

The configuration in ccc_config.php is correct. I also check the functions/custom_computer.php but i din't find whats wrong.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using CCC and it works like I want however when someone creates a pc it adds that custom computer to the new products table plus shows an image with bad link.


When i look at the properties of the link it just points to the images directory.


Anyone know how I can stop of posting it in the products table?

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I am trying to use CCC 9.3, however I have 2 problems.


First, the pictures do not show up on the build computer page.


Second, the total does not calculate at the bottom when parts are selected and when adding the system to cart it does not put a price for it. I don't want to be giving away free computers. :)


any help would be appreciated.





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Does anyone know how to link directly to a system without going through the steps of picking out the FSB, etc?  Been trying to get an answer for months on the CCC forum, but nothing.




I have been trying to figure this out too. I got this so far. The two bugs to correct in the code are:

1. Have Build show up on page load. (only shows after changing an option).

2. Have images of parts show up. (have tried setting this variable thru url and script side but no luck)

Test using this link. http://www.reloadedpc.com/build.php?fsb=7

In build.php Line 26

$fsb = $HTTP_POST_VARS['fsb'];
//Add this line     
if ($fsb==''){
     $fsb = $HTTP_GET_VARS['fsb'];
//finish adding
    $systype = $HTTP_POST_VARS['systype'];

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I am using CCC and it works like I want however when someone creates a pc it adds that custom computer to the new products table plus shows an image with bad link.


Anyone know how I can stop of posting it in the products table?


I am having the exact same trouble. I would post on the snjcomputers forum, but i dont want to waste my time. Surely others must of had this trouble. You cant tell me that its supposed to do it.


If it cant be stopped, how do you go about deleting these parts.


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Ok, about to give up.. I have been trying to get CCC working without any success.


The admin side is working great, but nothing shows on the catalog side. I checked, and rechecked all the changes. I should note that I have STS installed.


There is just no CCC on my home page, everything else works fine. Any help would be appreciated.

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Ok, about to give up.. I have been trying to get CCC working without any success.


The admin side is working great, but nothing shows on the catalog side. I checked, and rechecked all the changes. I should note that I have STS installed.


There is just no CCC on my home page, everything else works fine. Any help would be appreciated.

CCC doesn't add any links on your home page. You have to create one. Using a picture or text link for http://www.yourdomain.com/catalog/ccc.php ie(http://www.reloadedpc.com/ccc.php).

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Ok, about to give up.. I have been trying to get CCC working without any success.


The admin side is working great, but nothing shows on the catalog side. I checked, and rechecked all the changes. I should note that I have STS installed.


There is just no CCC on my home page, everything else works fine. Any help would be appreciated.



ccc9.3 usually puts a link in the header nav bar. Its in this bit of code which i found in the instructions

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">

  <tr class="headerNavigation">

    <td class="headerNavigation">  <?php echo $breadcrumb->trail(' ? '); ?></td>

    <td align="right" class="headerNavigation"><?php if (tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) { echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGOFF, '', 'SSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">' . HEADER_TITLE_LOGOFF . '</a>  |  '; } echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link($link_file, $edit_params, 'SSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">' . HEADER_TITLE_CUSTOM_BUILD . '</a>  |  <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">' . HEADER_TITLE_MY_ACCOUNT . '</a>  |  <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART) . '" class="headerNavigation">' . HEADER_TITLE_CART_CONTENTS . '</a>  |  <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL') . '" class="headerNavigation">' . HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUT . '</a>'; ?>  </td>




You can also create a link anywhere by linking to ccc.php.


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I am having the exact same trouble.  I would post on the snjcomputers forum, but i dont want to waste my time.  Surely others must of had this trouble.  You cant tell me that its supposed to do it.


If it cant be stopped, how do you go about deleting these parts.


CCC creates a new product for each computer build request by the customer; so yes CCC add computers to the products table as new products. This allows the customer to save the computer in their cart for future visits.


You can delete unordered builds by clicking the 'delete unordered builds' button in admin.

Edited by safoo
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I am having the exact same trouble.? I would post on the snjcomputers forum, but i dont want to waste my time.? Surely others must of had this trouble.? You cant tell me that its supposed to do it.


If it cant be stopped, how do you go about deleting these parts.


This contribution still needs some work on it - this is a flaw with it.


My workaround was to install Featured Products to take care of new builds showing on the front page. For other things I added this to product queries:


 and products_model != 'Custom'


Some queries require p.products_model.


I also notice problems when selecting to show pics - in build.php it has 'pics' rather than 'ccc_pics'.





Edited by Johnson
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  • 3 weeks later...

Great contribution!

Have a question though. In "build.php" I need to list the data from the dropdown boxes... basicly I need to change the dropdown box to text links (clickable text).


I know I have to change the following in some way -


tep_get_parts_list('new'. $i, $count['cat_id'], ${'new' . $i}, $systype, $fsb);?>


Just not sure how. Any ideas?

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Great contribution!

Have a question though. In "build.php" I need to list the data from the dropdown boxes... basicly I need to change the dropdown box to text links (clickable text).


I know I have to change the following in some way -


tep_get_parts_list('new'. $i, $count['cat_id'], ${'new' . $i}, $systype, $fsb);?>


Just not sure how. Any ideas?


OK, a little more detail on my little problem. Below is the output in "build.php", how should this code look if I want to display the select box as links?


<select style="width:250;" name="new1" id="new1" onChange="showimage('12', 'new1')">

<option price="0" name="images/nosel.jpg" model="" value="Please Select"SELECTED>Please Select <option price="29.0000" name="images/badger.jpg" model="523" value="Badger">Badger +29<option price="200.0000" name="images/lynx.jpg" model="534" value="LYNX">LYNX +200</select>



Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks.

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OK, a little more detail on my little problem. Below is the output in "build.php", how should this code look if I want to display the select box as links?


<select style="width:250;" name="new1" id="new1" onChange="showimage('12', 'new1')">

<option price="0" name="images/nosel.jpg" model="" value="Please Select"SELECTED>Please Select <option price="29.0000" name="images/badger.jpg" model="523" value="Badger">Badger +29<option price="200.0000" name="images/lynx.jpg" model="534" value="LYNX">LYNX +200</select>

Any and all suggestions welcome. Thanks.

Well, you might want to consider radio buttons instead of text links, because it might be easier for the end user. Text links would be hard since the javascript for this is written to change the value of drop down boxes and the total. However, the javascript should work for radio buttons because they act and code in similar way.

If you are dead set on the text links, it would involve creating conditional javascript & using document.write to build your links.

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Well, you might want to consider radio buttons instead of text links, because it might be easier for the end user. Text links would be hard since the javascript for this is written to change the value of drop down boxes and the total. However, the javascript should work for radio buttons because they act and code in similar way.

If you are dead set on the text links, it would involve creating conditional javascript & using document.write to build your links.


Thanks for the response PickupMan!

Yeah, I looked at trying to get radio buttons working as a plan B but I'm having problems with that too.

I can get the options to display with radio buttons but the picture doesn't change and the price doesn't update. I think the problem is in "java.php" around here -


if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['pics'] == "y"){

echo "if (document.builds.new" . $j . ".options[document.builds.new" . $j . ".options.selectedIndex].getAttribute(\"name\") != 'images/'){\n";

echo "document.images.pics" . $j . ".src=document.builds.new" . $j . ".options[document.builds.new" . $j . ".options.selectedIndex].getAttribute(\"name\")\n";

echo "}else{\n";

echo "document.images.pics" . $j . ".src=\"images/no_image.gif\"\n";

echo "}\n";




Have you used radio buttons with this contribution before?

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Sort your drop down product lists



Appologies if this has already been shown.


To sort your drop down product boxes in the build process customer end. Follow this:


Open catalogue/includes/functions/custom_computer.php


Find around line 70 :



return $mbb_array;



Replace the above line with the following :



// sort drop down list start


foreach($mbb_array as $mbb) {

$sortAux[] = $mbb['mb_name'];



array_multisort($sortAux, SORT_ASC, $mbb_array); // sort array


return $mbb_array;


// sort drop down list stop




Your drop down list boxes will now be sorted on Product name, then product price difference.


Hope this helps someone out.

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Sorry, stuffed the above post, please use this code not the code above.


Sort your drop down product lists



Appologies if this has already been shown.


To sort your drop down product boxes in the build process customer end. Follow this:


Open catalogue/includes/functions/custom_computer.php


Find around line 70 :



    return $mbb_array;



Replace the above line with the following :



    // sort drop down list start


    if ($mbb_array){

    foreach($mbb_array as $mbb) {

      $sortAux[] = $mbb['mb_name'];



    array_multisort($sortAux, SORT_ASC, $mbb_array); // sort array



    return $mbb_array;


    // sort drop down list stop


Your drop down list boxes will now be sorted on Product name, then product price difference.


Hope this helps someone out.

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I have been working with CCC 9.3 trying to use it for other options than computers. In the CCC 9.3 Build it has system and fsb category depths. I want to add 2 additional selectable depths.


For my uses i am creating a custom bicyle wheel builder where there are many dependant options before you get to the drop down selections.


I figure that 4 category division will be good. Does anyone have an insight on how i could progress to add this to the catalog and admin side? I think this would be a great and useful mod to convert the CCC into use for ANYTHING that is custom.


I also wanted to thank everyone for this contrib. It is very nice to work with and has came a long way.

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I am trying to exclude the "custom" products from the cross sell mod for the admin here is the bit of code used in admin to display the cross sell products. It seems that I would exclude the custom parts from the query but oh where should I place

 and products_model != 'Custom'

Code.... Thanks

// X-SELL by Kavita Begin
   $products_query_selected = tep_db_query("select xsell_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_XSELL . " where products_id = '" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['pID'] . "'");
   $products_array_selected = array(array('id' => ''));
   while ($products = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query_selected)) {
     $products_array_selected[] = array('id' => $products['xsell_id']);

if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['pID']) {
   $products_query = tep_db_query("select products_id, products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " where language_id = '". $languages_id ."' and products_id != '" . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['pID'] . "' order by products_name");
} else {
 $products_query = tep_db_query("select products_id, products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " where language_id = ". $languages_id ."  order by products_name");
   while ($products = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {
     $products_array[] = array('id' => $products['products_id'],
                                    'text' => $products['products_name']);

           <td class="main"><?php echo 'Cross Sell Products'; ?></td>
           <td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '24', '15') . ' ' . tep_draw_mselect_menu('products_xsell_ids[]', $products_array, $products_array_selected, 'size=10'); ?></td>
           <td colspan="2"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '1', '10'); ?></td>
<?php // X-SELL by Kavita End ?>


This contribution still needs some work on it - this is a flaw with it.


My workaround was to install Featured Products to take care of new builds showing on the front page.  For other things I added this to product queries:


 and products_model != 'Custom'


Some queries require p.products_model.


I also notice problems when selecting to show pics - in build.php it has 'pics' rather than 'ccc_pics'.





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