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Banner Manager


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I can't seem to figure out how to get banners to show up... I've added banners in the banner manager, but they don't appear anywhere. I don't get any errors either. I've checked and rechecked time and again for a setting I might be missing but I just can't find anything. I have someone I'm trying to do an exchange with but I can't figure out how to make their banner appear -- HELP! :unsure:

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Oh, wait, thats only if you installed the banner in a box contrib. I dont know if thats what you meant.


If you are installing regular banners, they should go into group 468x50 and if you customized your site at all you must make sure that you didnt accidentally delete the php code in footer.php that calls for the banner to be displayed.

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I thought something might be missing in the footer.php file... any way you can post that part of the code so I can check? Or could you tell me where I could find that code?

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Is this it? Is something missing from it? Cause if not, I can't understand why it isn't showing up. :?



? if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', '468x50')) {



<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

? <tr>

? ? <td align="center"><?php echo tep_display_banner('static', $banner); ?></td>

? </tr>



? }


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I'm using a standard pixame template right now (hopefully will be getting a prof. designed one soon). You can see for yourself that my footer is showing, but no banner -- http://store.babiesandbellies.com . At one point, the default osC banner was there, but then it was gone and neither me nor my husband remember removing it....

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  • 2 weeks later...



Silly Me :angry:

The answer was here (thanks Bob):



Standard banners sizes (468 x 60) are blocked by computers using anti pop-up or anti-advertising software, My banners were showing because initially they were small gifs then I made some more professional looking (and standard size) banners and suddenly they wouldn't show (it was just the computer which I was using to view them was blocking them!!)


I have now made new banners that are 450x58 and they show up fine on my PC with anti-pop-up enabled (I use Norton Internet Security)


hth :D

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