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relationship between catalog/admin and MySQL


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Another newbie.

I populated my sitea and realised that the products_name field of the products_description table was not large enough to fit all my data for some records. I increased the field length as required.


I then pasted the longer data into the productd description field (it worked) and looked in the catalog. The data was still at the shortened version.


For another item I pasted the longer data in using catalog/admin (it worked) and it showed up correctly in the catalog.


However when I looked at that record in the MySQL database it was still showing at the shorter length.


ie an update in MySQL doesn't show through to the catalog

and an update in catalog/admin doesn't show through to MySQL


Question: What is it I am not understanding?




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However when I looked at that record in the MySQL database it was still showing at the shorter length.

Phpmyadmin truncates what you can see entered in the particular column - you can do a select query and see it is all actually there.



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