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Automatically send data feed to Froogle


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Hi. I've just tried to get Google Base Auto Feeder V1.2 to work on my site but having a problem.


This is the error I'm getting:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_not_null() in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 960



Is this an easy fix or should I try another Google upload contribution such as Google Base / Froogle Data Feeder v1.00?


Thanks for any and all help!



You should install the latest version first of all. But the problem has to do with your server and the code trying to load the code from the shop site. Try this. In the googlefeeder.php file, locate this line


and change it to this





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Thanks Jack. I tried the new code. This is the error I received:


Warning: main(../includes/configure.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/googlebase.php on line 103


Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '../includes/configure.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/googlebase.php on line 103


Now, I changed the "googlebase.php file because that's the only file there is for that contribution. Not the "googlefeeder.php" that you requested. I think I'm talking about a different contribution that you.


Do you think I should just go ahead and edit Googlefeeder into my site and forget about Googlebase? Googlebase is sooo easy, cause there's only the one file. Is one better than the other in terms of SEO and other functions?


Thanks Jack. You're always a huge help!



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I edited and uploaded "Googlefeeder" and am receiving the same error as the "Googlebase" contribution:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_not_null() in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 960


I tried to add the extra code you suggested, Jack:





I changed the code in three locations but it didn't help.


What should I do? How do I get it to work?


Thanks for your help,



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Thanks Jack. I tried the new code. This is the error I received:


Warning: main(../includes/configure.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/googlebase.php on line 103


Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '../includes/configure.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/googlebase.php on line 103


Now, I changed the "googlebase.php file because that's the only file there is for that contribution. Not the "googlefeeder.php" that you requested. I think I'm talking about a different contribution that you.

I can't help you with that contribution. I assumed you were using my last version, which has a googlefeeder file. If the SEO option is enabled, then the code tries to load code from the shop side, which is why I mentioned the change I did. But it sounds like there is a problem with your paths or server permissions.



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Thanks Jack. I also failed to mention that it was working great up until the day I installed the new Ultimate SEO URL's a few days ago. Basically, according to the instructions there's only the one file to update. But I also had problems with the file duplicating the database entries. Do you think I should just start from scratch with Ultimate SEO's since there's seems to be problems?


Thanks Jack!



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I don't know what you mean by the "new Ultimate SEO URL's" since I've uploaded two versions lately and there is anothe contribution with a similar name. But if you are referring to the one I uploaded, it is compatible with the version of this contribution that I uploaded. I don't know if the others are since I don't use them.



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I have just installed the GoogleFeeder_V_2.0 and when i do this step below;


6) Make sure the file is being written properly.

a. To run the feeder point your internet browser to http://www.yourwebsite.com/admin/googlefeeder.php


i get this

Warning: include_once(../includes/classes/seo.class.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/complet1/public_html/shop2/admin/googlefeeder.php on line 59


Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '../includes/classes/seo.class.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/complet1/public_html/shop2/admin/googlefeeder.php on line 59


Fatal error: Class 'SEO_URL' not found in /home/complet1/public_html/shop2/admin/googlefeeder.php on line 60


How can i fix this problem.



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It means that you have the SEO option enabled but don't have that contribution installed. Or, if it is installed, there is something wrong with that contribution and/or the configure files.



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Ahh the joys of adding contribs :)


Jack, would you like some edits to the v2 installer instructions?

I would be happy to do the mark up.


Got it up and running, but have not set up ftp yet, especially after reading googles notes (voluminous files etc).

However, I did get some errors with the admin panel part:


1) feeders.php - which as far as I can tell should be in admin/includes/boxes/feeders.php

on moving feeders.php as described above - I am getting an odd error I find no mention of in this thread


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_db_connect() (previously declared in /home/XXXXX/public_html/osStore/admin/includes/functions/database.php:13) in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/osStore/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 13

(XXXXXX is a pseudonym for my host server)

I am not sure where else it is being declared that would involve this contrib (wasnt happening until I tried to add the admin panel section)



I must presume googlebase is only a push process, yes?

Hence the ftp connect and the cron.



As always any insight would be great,





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Hi Jack. Thanks for the timely response, yet again!


This is the contribution that I just added that is causing all the problems with numerous Googlefeeder contributions:




Before, I added this, this contribution was working perfectly:




I tried to get it to work, but never did. I kept getting this error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_not_null() in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 960


So I tried ading another googlefeeder type contribution:




and got the same error as before:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_not_null() in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 960


So, I need advice as to where to begin to look for the solution.


Thanks so much Jack!!!!!!



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Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_not_null() in /home4/subcitiz/public_html/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 960


So, I need advice as to where to begin to look for the solution.

I've installed both contribution many times in many shops and never had that problem so it must be something specific to your setup. That's not something I can offer support for though.



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As stated previously, I did get some errors with the admin panel set up:


1) feeders.php - as far as I can tell should be in admin/includes/boxes/feeders.php

I am hoping this is correct since there is no specific direction regarding it

It was in the same place as googlefeeder.php under admin/ in the download.

Error messages in the admin console suggested that is where it was being sought at admin/includes/boxes/feeders.php.


on moving feeders.php as described above - I am now getting an error I find no mention of in this thread

That is the next problem.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_db_connect() (previously declared in /home/XXXXX/public_html/osStore/admin/includes/functions/database.php:13) in /home/XXXXXX/public_html/osStore/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 13

(XXXXXX is a pseudonym for my host server).


Now I grepped the content of my catalog (osStore) and have 6 instances, 3 of which were from an old sitemap install, that I have rolled back (removed). With those out, the error still occurs when I restore the admin level file edits and feeders.php.


The only new declaration is in googlexml_sitemap_seo_v_1.3 (in catalog/googlesitemap/index.php

This wasn't happening until I tried to add the admin panel section for feeders.

Sitemap has been fine.


The other 2 instances of tep_db_connect(), are from admin\includes\application_top.php and includes\application_top.php.

Those I believe are from the original installation of ms2.2, same with database.php


I have run into a wall

An ideas why this is bugging up the entire admin console?

Would love to resolve this so I can move on to adding Header Tags SEO V 3.0





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As stated previously, I did get some errors with the admin panel set up:


1) feeders.php - as far as I can tell should be in admin/includes/boxes/feeders.php

In the contribution package, feeders.php is in the admin directory so that is where it goes on the server.



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In the contribution package, feeders.php is in the admin directory so that is where it goes on the server.



Fine, set back to before (in root of admin) and exactly back to the original issue and why I moved feeders to admin/includes/boxes.....

Warning: main(includes/boxes/feeders.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/----/public_html/osStore/admin/includes/column_left.php on line 24

Warning: main(includes/boxes/feeders.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/----/public_html/osStore/admin/includes/column_left.php on line 24

Warning: main(includes/boxes/feeders.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/----/public_html/osStore/admin/includes/column_left.php on line 24

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/boxes/feeders.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php') in /home/----/public_html/osStore/admin/includes/column_left.php on line 24


FYI lines 23-24 of admin/includes/column_left.php

  //Feeder Systems 072409
 require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'feeders.php');

as stated in the instructions.

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Fine, set back to before (in root of admin) and exactly back to the original issue and why I moved feeders to admin/includes/boxes.....

The boxes/feeders.php file is meant to allow the script to be ran via admin. That is a waste of effort, in my opinion, since the script is ran from a cron job or can just as easily be ran from the url. So when I updated the contribution, I did not include that file. I didn't update the documentation either since it is in html and contains too much unnecessary information, again, in my opionion. If I had edited it, I would have just deleted most of it. But I left it there since it was from the original contribution, which isn't mine. So if you want to get rid of that error, you can delete the code from the left column in admin that looks for that file or upload the file from a previous version. But if you do the latter, it probably won't work since the options have changed in the main file.



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I used the latest contribution.I am getting this error from google base ...Warning: Missing recommended attribute: weight .I had a look at the code and the output file it generates ..

$output = "link\ttitle\tdescription\texpiration_date\tprice\timage_link\tlabel\tid"; doent have weight attribute.


Does any one know how to add it to the contrib.


kind regards



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The code for weight isn't fully implemented. You can search the file for condition, or one of the other options, and duplicate it for weight. The only part that doesn't need to be changed is the database call since that is in there already.



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The code for weight isn't fully implemented. You can search the file for condition, or one of the other options, and duplicate it for weight. The only part that doesn't need to be changed is the database call since that is in there already.




Thanks i managed to get it to work...i had to make a small change to the database entry to products_weight AS prodWeight ..



Seem to work now..thanks..

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The boxes/feeders.php file is meant to allow the script to be ran via admin. That is a waste of effort, in my opinion, since the script is ran from a cron job or can just as easily be ran from the url. So when I updated the contribution, I did not include that file. I didn't update the documentation either since it is in html and contains too much unnecessary information, again, in my opionion. If I had edited it, I would have just deleted most of it. But I left it there since it was from the original contribution, which isn't mine. So if you want to get rid of that error, you can delete the code from the left column in admin that looks for that file or upload the file from a previous version. But if you do the latter, it probably won't work since the options have changed in the main file.



Thank you! Jack

You really do some great work, and updating to useful packages for all of us, I cannot thank you enough.

Plus the time and effort you put into helping us semi clueless folks is tremendous.


Not to insult you, but may I suggest a slight update to your package to make mention of that info.

I was banging my head for no good reason.

Had I read that, I would have spared myself - frustration, you - my annoying posts ;) , and the rest of the group - the time they wasted reading my posts too! (and a smidge of bandwidth for all).


FYI, I pulled a copy from lildogs upload 4/dec/08 and put it in place, which does bring up a functional admin panel component. It allows you to build the feeds by hitting the panel link, not manually putting in the link to build the feeds. A lazy mans function, but may keep folks more alert to updating the feeds regularly.




On another note....my google base and feed is registered to my website root not my catalog path..

I wanted the contrib to look for it out there (root) not in another folder in catalog/.

If you have a similar set up here is what I did, a very simple and quick edit.


catalog/admin/googlefeeder.php in a fresh package it looks like line 13:

define('DOMAIN_NAME', 'www.yourwebsite.com'); //your correct domain name (don't include www unless it is used)

Your catalog is pathed like this to make the contrib work for you:

define('DOMAIN_NAME', 'www.yourwebsite.com/catalog'); //your correct domain name (don't include www unless it is used)


same file line 76 where is says :

$OutFile = "../feeds/" . FEEDNAME;

which would result in www.yourwebsite.com/catalog/feeds/youwebsitefeeder.txt

change line 76 to:

$OutFile = "../../feeds/" . FEEDNAME;

This edit recurses the file to a folder one step out to the root directory to something like


instead of


Do not forget to create the feeds folder on the website root with permissions 777


If your store is at the root (not in a catalog folder) this edit will not work for you.

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Hi All


I have this contribution installed, i run the script manually from internet explorer and it creates the text file and then tries to upload to Google Base. it fails though for some reason and i get this text message on the screen:


File completed: froogle_uk_file.txt

Connected to uploads.google.com, for user xxxxxxxxx

uploads.google.com: FTP upload has failed!


Script timer: 4.083436 seconds.


The user name and password are correct - is there a setting in Google base i need to put to something in particular to accept the text file? when i view the content of the froogle file it outputs correctly all the products and their details, but it's not taking it in via FTP.


I have the latest version installed with SEO friendly support.

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Hi All


I have this contribution installed, i run the script manually from internet explorer and it creates the text file and then tries to upload to Google Base. it fails though for some reason and i get this text message on the screen:


File completed: froogle_uk_file.txt

Connected to uploads.google.com, for user xxxxxxxxx

uploads.google.com: FTP upload has failed!


Script timer: 4.083436 seconds.


The user name and password are correct - is there a setting in Google base i need to put to something in particular to accept the text file? when i view the content of the froogle file it outputs correctly all the products and their details, but it's not taking it in via FTP.


I have the latest version installed with SEO friendly support.

Try to connect manually to google using an ftp program to verify the connection is working. If it is, then there is a problem with your server that is preventing the upload.



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Try to connect manually to google using an ftp program to verify the connection is working. If it is, then there is a problem with your server that is preventing the upload.




I made the connection successfully using FTP - so you're right, it's a server thing.


i'm with 1&1 - has anyone ever had trouble and needed a host setting changed? I wouldnt know what to begin with to ask for.

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There have been many posts here regarding problems with 1&1. You may want to search for those. From what I gather, that host isn't an oscommerce friendly one but I don't have personal experience so take that for what it's worth.



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