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Automatically send data feed to Froogle


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So this has worked hopefully, could anyone now tell me if I have to do anything else or will this now appear on Google base


Thanks for all the help it’s really appreciated.







Yes, there's one more thing you should do - go back to your google account and check under the My Account -> My Items -> Bulk Feed (or something similar) setting. It will show you the date of the last bulk upload, so you can verify that it really did upload correctly AND it will tell you if there was a problem. If google likes it, your items will show up automatically on base. If they don't, they will give you a message on that screen. Then you're done.




PS - Still looking for an answer on how to mod the code to show only the lowest level category for Product_Type. Any suggestions??

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just wondering how this script is different from the current Froogle exporter in the contributions section.


You guys re-inventing the wheel?


I'm not a computer person.


Where is this file current Froogle exporter in the contributions section ?






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Forgive me if this has been talked about, but I could not find a solution, so I figured I would post it. I particularly did not want to worry about sending my data feed to Google / Froogle once a month, as they expire your listings monthly, unless you resend your feed. Also, per their feed requirements, and because my store is relatively small and simple, I needed to modify what Easy Contribute outputted.


I decided to set up a CRON job that actually runs every 3 weeks, just to stay a little ahead of Google expiring my listings. The CRON calls a MySQL script that I wrote to export my products.


A couple notes so I don't get too flamed B)

  • The product line in our store does not change that often, so I did not incorporate limiting the export to ACTIVE products. If you have inactive products, you might need to change the script.
  • Also, my category levels are only 2 deep, and the 2nd level would not make too much sense to Froogle. Again, if you have a different method for your categories and naming, you might need to change the script.
  • Also, even though I got my feed approved / validated by Google, please make sure to go through the process to get it validated by Google for your store.

mysql -uXXXX -pXXXXX -DXXXXX -e "select concat('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/product_info.php?products_id=',products.products_id) AS product_url, products_description.products_name AS name, products_description.products_description AS description, FORMAT(products.products_price,2) AS price, CONCAT('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/images/',products.products_image) AS image_url, categories_description.categories_name AS category FROM categories, products, products_description, categories_description, products_to_categories WHERE products.products_id=products_description.products_id AND products.products_id=products_to_categories.products_id AND products_to_categories.categories_id=categories.categories_id AND categories_description.categories_id=IF(categories.parent_id='0',categories.categories_id,categories.parent_id)" > /tmp/FILENAME_PER_GOOGLE_SPECS.txt;


Once the script is performed, I have CRON FTP the file to Google. Now, I never have to worry about it :D


Whats the latest on this ?


http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ry/search,25725 was done in 2006.


I'm not a computer person.


Is rss_edgeio the latest addition ?


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  • 2 weeks later...


Google Base / Froogle Data Feeder v1.20

Date: February 25, 2006

PHP version 5.1.4

MySQL version 5.0.27-standard



Hello, and thanks for the contrib.


Problem: The script says it has uploaded...


File completed: base_products.txt
Connected to uploads.google.com, for user ***
Uploaded ../feeds/base_products.txt to uploads.google.com as base_products.txt


...but the file never shows up on the Google Base website under "Bulk upload files>My Items" or at uploads.google.com when I ftp manually.

No error messages are generated either.



I've tried to both comment & uncomment the following line 362 in admin/googlefeeder.php, and this has not made anything appear on Google's end or on the ftp server:


//ftp_pasv ( $conn_id, true );


What else can I try to get my server to relay the ftp file?


Thanks in advance.

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Google Base / Froogle Data Feeder v1.20

Date: February 25, 2006

PHP version 5.1.4

MySQL version 5.0.27-standard

Hello, and thanks for the contrib.

Problem: The script says it has uploaded...

...but the file never shows up on the Google Base website under "Bulk upload files>My Items" or at uploads.google.com when I ftp manually.

No error messages are generated either.

I've tried to both comment & uncomment the following line 362 in admin/googlefeeder.php, and this has not made anything appear on Google's end or on the ftp server:

//ftp_pasv ( $conn_id, true );

What else can I try to get my server to relay the ftp file?

Thanks in advance.



My osCommerce Admin/error_log states...


[09-Aug-2007 07:03:15] PHP Warning:  ftp_put() [<a href='function.ftp-put'>function.ftp-put</a>]: base_products.txt: Permission denied on server. (Overwrite) in /home/stitchpi/public_html/catalog/admin/googlefeeder.php on line 364


More later if I fix....

Edited by yodergraphics
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  • 2 weeks later...
Calvin, thanks again for your great work on this contribution.


Installed almost effortlessly (had the original version to copy most settings), and

appears to work like a charm.

Would you mind providing a cut and paste of those settings. I think most of us are still getting the dreaded

File completed: allgojuryunetworktxt
FTP open connection failed to uploads.google.com

Script timer: 0.647446 seconds.

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Forgot to mention my current code in googlefeeder.php reads:

//START Required Configuration

$OutFile = "../feeds/allgojuryunetwork.txt"; //"CHANGEME-full-path-to-file-with-777-dir-and-file-permissions-your-outfile.txt";
$destination_file = "allgojuryunetwork.txt";  //"CHANGEME-filename-to-upload-to-google.txt";
$source_file = $OutFile;
$catalogURL = 'http://www.gojuryu.net/osCommerce/catalog/';
$imageURL = 'http://www.gojuryu.net/osCommerce/catalog/images/';
$productURL = 'http://www.gojuryu.net/osCommerce/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=';
$already_sent = array();

$home = "localhost";
$user = "xxxxxxxx_xxxxxxx";
$pass = "xxxxxxxx";
$base = "xxxxxxx_p_xxx";

$ftp_server = "uploads.google.com";
$ftp_user_name = "xxxxxxx";
$ftp_user_pass = "xxxxxxxx";
$ftp_directory = ""; // leave blank

$productCondition = "New"; //new, used, OR refurbished for ALL products.

//END Required Configuration


Which is, of course, still giving the same result

File completed: [url="http://www.gojuryu.net/osCommerce/catalog/feeds/allgojuryunetwork.txt"]allgojuryunetwork.txt[/url]
FTP open connection failed to uploads.google.com

Script timer: 1.218773 seconds.

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Would you mind providing a cut and paste of those settings. I think most of us are still getting the dreaded

File completed: allgojuryunetworktxt
FTP open connection failed to uploads.google.com

Script timer: 0.647446 seconds.


By the way, is googlefeeder supposed to be a complete replacement for froogle feeder?

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Yup, it's a replacement to froogle.php. It was renamed to googlefeeder.php when Google combined their feed specifications for Froogle and Google Base.


Google actually changed their shopping comparision engine name from "Froogle" to "Google Product Search" a couple of months back; so I'll be renaming the contribution too.


Sorry for the lack of updates, I have not had much spare time in the past several months. I took a couple days of vacation this week, so hopefully, I'll get that update I mentioned out. Thanks for your support.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have a question regarding my googlefeeder. it creates the txt file .. but i don't think it's uploading. i don't see any FTP information like some of u guys are having. all i see is


File completed: froogle.txt

Script timer: 1.386104 seconds.

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i have a question regarding my googlefeeder. it creates the txt file .. but i don't think it's uploading. i don't see any FTP information like some of u guys are having. all i see is


File completed: froogle.txt

Script timer: 1.386104 seconds.


nevermind i found the solution!

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in order for this to work. do i need to "Register a new bulk upload file" on Google Base? or once i setup my google base account as well as the ftp upload just by uploading the txt file i'm set to go?


also .. is it a bad idea to run a cron job to run googlebase.php nightly?

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You just need a Google base account and you are set.


I run my cron weekly. No need to run it daily but it wouldn't hurt anything.

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.

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You just need a Google base account and you are set.


I run my cron weekly. No need to run it daily but it wouldn't hurt anything.


so i'm logged into google base and i have products listed .. but how do i kno if it's the most recent file i uploaded through googlefeeder.php?

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this contrib works great for me, but I still wonder if it is possible to include the manufacturer name in the item title. I sell books and used the manufacturer name for the name of the author. Now I would like to give Google the author name (manufacturer name) in it's title so that customers can find my site by searching the author as well.


Thx, Dirk

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so i'm logged into google base and i have products listed .. but how do i kno if it's the most recent file i uploaded through googlefeeder.php?


It will tell you under the My Items tab for bulk upload.

Search the forum and contributions before posting. If that doesn't work, keep looking, then post. The forum is for seeking help and advice NOT for someone to do your work for you. Try to do something on your on, if you are going to run a shop then learn how it works.

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I have searched and can't find an answer... honest.


I have 4 Froogle feeds set up all running fine. The products are visible and correctly formatted. I installed the new version of this contribution (googlefeeder) and have 2 new feeds being uploaded to uploads.google.com just fine.


Only thing is, am I missing something because these are both displaying $ and my old froogle feeds on my same account are all in £'s. I've checked everything I can think of and gone through all the config possibilities without being able to find the reason. Will someone put me out my misery...


Edited by Flyer5
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I found what I was missing....



Google don't make it very clear but its easy to log in to the wrong country control panel. If you upload your uk products to the us control panel they appear in dollars. I expect it works the other way round too.


ANyway, for reference you can access the correct country control panel from these links.


The UK Log in.


The US Log In.


The GERMAN Log In.


hope it helps..

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hi there, i've currently got 1.03a installed of this contrib and i've noticed google base gives me a couple of errors in the config file when i upload it.


Guess they have changed the format a bit, i have 2000 items but only 2 of them have errors.


I was wondering if it's worth the effort to upgrade to the latest version just for a couple of errors, is it easy to upgrade?


I haven't got loads of time, and the instructions don't really say much about upgrading, any input apprecitated.





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Sorry for asking this question again, but I can not seem to get it solved. I get this error,


File completed: google.txt

FTP connection has failed!

Attempted to connect to uploads.google.com for user nova


The login and password I use are correct, because I can login directly to google base with a browser?


I am using version 1.20.

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Sorry for asking this question again, but I can not seem to get it solved. I get this error,


File completed: google.txt

FTP connection has failed!

Attempted to connect to uploads.google.com for user nova


The login and password I use are correct, because I can login directly to google base with a browser?


I am using version 1.20.


try to comment out this line

ftp_pasv ( $conn_id, true );

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