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Automatically send data feed to Froogle


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Are google experiencing any problems lately because I am at a loss as to why ftp uploads are failing and also why feeds are being disapproved


Bulk upload failed. No items are live. There are too many formatting errors in your file


I am using the latest version of the googlefeeder contribution.


Anyone else experiencing difficulties????



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Anyone else experiencing difficulties????





Yes I am the same - it is because the headers are not defined. The first row should contain the attribute heading like title, url, etc but this is not happening.


A fix for this would be great

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Anyone else experiencing difficulties????





Yes I am the same - it is because the headers are not defined. The first row should contain the attribute heading like title, url, etc but this is not happening.


A fix for this would be great

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Hi olly,


The headers in my file are being defined fine


brand condition link title description expiration_date price image_link product_type id


so it must be something else causing the problem.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Hi olly,


The headers in my file are being defined fine

so it must be something else causing the problem.





I'm using the version 1.03b as I have the ultimate SEO contribution installed. I gues this could be a reason why I am getting no headers defined.


Other people must be in a similar position now?

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Ok I hopefully have solved the problem for one client.


Apparently the feeds were failing because the stores url had not been entered under the settings tab even though it does say it is optional urgh.


I have just emailed google again concerning a different client who has the url entered and the feed still gets disapproved.


Lets see what they say this time.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Hi Melinda,


Could you tell me where I can find the file name for "your-outfile.txt' given by google?


After I run googlefeeder.php at




I got message as


File completed: your-outfile.txt


Script timer: 0.044546 seconds.


But still cant see any products uploaded at my google base.


The file name is the name that you add into your google base account. You also need to register the ftp feed with google which should be on the same page where it says 'Bulk Uploads' in your google base account.


You then need to edit your googlefeeder.php file and add the ftp login details and then near the bottom of the file you need to remove the // from the ftp upload command line.


Go back and read the instructions again and study your googlefeeder.php file.




Have you changed all the details in your googlefeeder.php file

Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Content-type: text/html

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.11


File completed: <a href="/home/******/public_html/feeds/feed.txt" target="_blank">feed.txt</a><br>

Connected to uploads.google.com, for user ******<BR>

<br />

<b>Warning</b>: ftp_put(): Opening ASCII mode data connection for feed.txt. in <b>/home/******/public_html/_hide/googlefeeder.php</b> on line <b>364</b><br />

uploads.google.com: FTP upload has failed!<BR>

<p style="margin:auto; text-align:center">Script timer: <b>83.563373</b> seconds.</p>


Ok manual uploads seem to be working fine for my client now, however the cron job is failing miserably everytime.


Now I am stuck!



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Ok this is getting ridiculous, now I am totally lost. My clients feed went live and all products were published and searchable.


A few days later this response came from google.


Thank you for submitting a bulk upload to Google Base. We have reviewed

your bulk upload and need you to make changes. Your bulk upload has been

disapproved due to the reason(s) listed below.


Incorrect attribute format: It appears that attribute values for the

"product_type" attribute aren't formatted correctly. For example, instead

of including "Satellite Navigation & GPS, Garmin," please include

"navigation." For further details and examples of attribute formatting,

please refer to our list of attributes:




After you have made the necessary change(s), please upload a new version

of your bulk upload. We will notify you if we need you to make any

additional corrections. Otherwise, we will send you an email to let you

know that your bulk upload has been approved.





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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The googlefeeder is working fine for me but I do have to upload the file manually now.


I just have one small problem I am hoping someone can help me with. It does not use the special prices for products on special offer.


Have I missed something or is it not actaully able to do this?




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Thank you for submitting a bulk upload to Google Base. We have reviewed

your bulk upload and need you to make changes. Your bulk upload has been

disapproved due to the reason(s) listed below.


Incorrect attribute format: It appears that attribute values for the

"product_type" attribute aren't formatted correctly. For example, instead

of including "Satellite Navigation & GPS, Garmin," please include

"navigation." For further details and examples of attribute formatting,

please refer to our list of attributes:




After you have made the necessary change(s), please upload a new version

of your bulk upload. We will notify you if we need you to make any

additional corrections. Otherwise, we will send you an email to let you

know that your bulk upload has been approved.


Ok so I finally got a response from google base about this issue.


Apparently it is because my client has 'Garmin' as a brand (manufacturer) it is confusing google with having a sub category also called 'Garmin'


So I am presuming that I need to do away with all sub categories in the feed and only include the top level categories. Only problem is that I am not sure what to change.


$catInfo = "
categories.categories_id AS curCatID,
categories.parent_id AS parentCatID,
categories_description.categories_name AS catName
WHERE categories.categories_id = categories_description.categories_id

function findCat($curID, $catTempPar, $catTempDes, $catIndex)
if( (isset($catTempPar[$curID])) && ($catTempPar[$curID] != 0) )
		$catIndex = findCat($catTempPar[$curID], $catTempPar, $catTempDes, $catIndex);
		$temp = $catIndex[$catTempPar[$curID]];
if( (isset($catTempPar[$curID])) && (isset($catTempDes[$curID])) && ($catTempPar[$curID] == 0) )
	$catIndex[$curID] = $catTempDes[$curID];
	$catIndex[$curID] = $temp . ", " . $catTempDes[$curID];
return $catIndex;


$catIndex = array();
$catTempDes = array();
$catTempPar = array();
$processCat = mysql_query( $catInfo )or die( $FunctionName . ": SQL error " . mysql_error() . "| catInfo = " . htmlentities($catInfo) );
while ( $catRow = mysql_fetch_object( $processCat ) )
$catKey = $catRow->curCatID;
$catName = $catRow->catName;
$catParID = $catRow->parentCatID;
if($catName != "")

foreach($catTempDes as $curID=>$des)  //don't need the $des
$catIndex = findCat($curID, $catTempPar, $catTempDes, $catIndex);


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just have one small problem I am hoping someone can help me with. It does not use the special prices for products on special offer.


Have I missed something or is it not actaully able to do this?






any news about that? all works right, only the special prices are missing!




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Can anyone tell me where the latest version of this feed is so I can set it up.


Just google froogle thing will be fine, as I do't have aything setup with the other feeds mentioned such as yahoo etc




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I'm using the version 1.03b as I have the ultimate SEO contribution installed. I gues this could be a reason why I am getting no headers defined.


Other people must be in a similar position now?


Don't use 1.03b, it was an unofficial release and uses outdated Google attributes settings.

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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I'm using the version 1.03b as I have the ultimate SEO contribution installed. I gues this could be a reason why I am getting no headers defined.


Other people must be in a similar position now?


Don't use 1.03b, it was an unofficial release and uses outdated Google attributes settings. Version 1.20 supports Froogle with SEO links, but may require customization on the user's part to get it initally setup. 1.20 is essentially designed with Chemo's Ultimate SEO links in mind.

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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I'm using the version 1.03b as I have the ultimate SEO contribution installed. I gues this could be a reason why I am getting no headers defined.


Other people must be in a similar position now?


Please ignore the post above. It is a repost.


Don't use v1.03b, it was an unofficial release and uses outdated Google Attributes. By not using 1.03b, it will solve most of your problems. Version 1.20 release in Feburary includes SEO support (just read the release details). It was built to support SEO links from many different types of SEO contributions and not just Chemo's Ultimate SEO. Version 1.20 supports Froogle with SEO links, but may require customization on the user's part to get it initally setup. btw, the default 1.20 SEO links were built with Chemo's Ultimate SEO links in mind, but may take slight modifications depending on your configuration.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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Ok I hopefully have solved the problem for one client.


Apparently the feeds were failing because the stores url had not been entered under the settings tab even though it does say it is optional urgh.


I have just emailed google again concerning a different client who has the url entered and the feed still gets disapproved.


Lets see what they say this time.




In Google's Configuation or in the Contribution's Installation Guide? In the Contribution Installation Guide, it's a required step in step 1.

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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The googlefeeder is working fine for me but I do have to upload the file manually now.


I just have one small problem I am hoping someone can help me with. It does not use the special prices for products on special offer.


Have I missed something or is it not actaully able to do this?





Default osC special prices work with this contribution. Some users have installed contributions that apply special pricing that is outside of the default osC tables. Only default osC special prices are supported for logistical reasons.

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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Calvin, thanks again for your great work on this contribution.


Installed almost effortlessly (had the original version to copy most settings), and

appears to work like a charm.



Not a problem! I am glad you got the configuration down and can follow directions! ;)

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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Think I have got it working, guess I will have to wait to see if the stuff turns up in google base/ froogle.


As for shipping some of my items are free and others have a standard rate based on the product weight, can this be integrated to the export so that it works out the shipping cost 0 x £x = £0, 3x £x = £3x ?


thanks for your help getting it up and running


Hows evryone enjoying the weather in the UK?

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Think I have got it working, guess I will have to wait to see if the stuff turns up in google base/ froogle.


As for shipping some of my items are free and others have a standard rate based on the product weight, can this be integrated to the export so that it works out the shipping cost 0 x £x = £0, 3x £x = £3x ?


thanks for your help getting it up and running


Hows evryone enjoying the weather in the UK?



You could probably do it through a switch statement, or store the values in an array. so if lbs is less than x use rate a or if it's less than y then use rate b, etc.



in my opinion, it'd be nice to figure out a way to select the lowest shipping cost offered by osC by default. anyone have some ideas or have seen it done before? ;)

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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