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Automatically send data feed to Froogle


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Ok fixed problem with not being able to connect. Using wrong password. Duh..

Now getting this error message wether using passive or not.


Connected to hedwig.google.com, for user theniknakshop

FTP upload has FAILED! source: /home/users/web/b22/niknakshop/catalog/froogle/theniknakshop.txt dest: theniknakshop.txt


Thanks for you help good luck in school.


Text file not there because I keep deleting it to test new ways.. Thanks

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it will fail, if froogle already has your feed in it's ftp. try ftp'n in and check, if it has a file already. froogle only wants a feed no more than once a day and no less than once a month. i really gotta goto bed. good luck again.


ps: sometimes, it takes several minutes or more before froogle takes the feed away from the ftp account.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

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first off, what a great contrib - took all of 5 mins to install and run for the first time. Small question, just because I am the lazy bloke who looks for a shortcut in everything I do.....we are a UK store who has been given permission to list on Froogle as we offer sales in $US and ship to the US, but when prices are pulled from the site they are in ?GBP - is there a way to amend the froogle.php script to multiply the ?GBP by the figure I have set in my admin controls?


I can work around it by a simple 2 minute edit in Excel and then ftp it off to froogle, but just wondering if it could be done, then I can leave the froogle upload to itself to work happily away automatically without any interference from me..... B)

I have the code completed, I just need to do some more testing and make it into a releasable format. I'll finish it tomorrow(friday)... since it's a bit past 5am here (CA, USA) and i have class at 10am. zzz... =)

Hey FlyingMonkey, is there any progress on this? I'm very interested in using it for the same purpose niknakgroup is.



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This is a great mod, I'm well impressed!


One thing that came to mind though, would it be possible to include the manufacturer name in the feed? I see from the Froogle information that they support a field entitled 'brand'. It would be mucho helpful for us to use this field.

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Hi sdalgleidh - flying monkey completed the mod for me and sent it over, but said it is not for general release yet; I haven't had a chance to install or test it yet, but if I do and it works would you like a copy of the beta code? Get in touch, or alternatively I'm sure flying monkey will be posting the code here shortly....

Please note - if I have suggested a contrib above, it doesnt mean it will work! Most of the contribs are not ones I've used, but may be useful for your particular problem....

Have you tried a refined search? Chances are your problem has already been dealt with elsewhere on the forums.....

if (stumped == true) {


} else {

$random_query = tep_fetch_answer($forum_query)


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This is a great mod, I'm well impressed!


One thing that came to mind though, would it be possible to include the manufacturer name in the feed? I see from the Froogle information that they support a field entitled 'brand'. It would be mucho helpful for us to use this field.

I wasn't aware that manufacturer name can be included into the feed, I will have to look into that after I finish my project for school. =(

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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First off: Great Contribution! Thanks so much for all of you!


I have a minor problem here.

The txt result went fine, the uploading step went fine but why is only record 2 category name?


My website is http://www.eracings.com and my category can be as deep as 4 click. Example category:

aerodynamics > Acura > Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit.. then you'll see the products


On the text result, it was only show the last two category name which is:

Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit

I needed to be:

aerodynamics > Acura > Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit


Can anyone help??

I appreciate all the time and effort





Body Kit

Body Kit Forum

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First off: Great Contribution! Thanks so much for all of you!


I have a minor problem here.

The txt result went fine, the uploading step went fine but why is only record 2 category name?


My website is http://www.eracings.com and my category can be as deep as 4 click. Example category:

aerodynamics > Acura > Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit.. then you'll see the products


On the text result, it was only show the last two category name which is:

Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit

I needed to be:

aerodynamics > Acura > Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit


Can anyone help??

I appreciate all the time and effort




hmm. it should be alright.... could you pm me the link to your froogle feed and show me some examples?

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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For anyone that's interested I have put below SQL that integrates the specials price checking into the SQL statement where its a lot faster. Of course if you have two specials loaded for future dates it might give some weird resutls but give it a try.


I haven't kept up with this thread since it was started so long ago now, so this SQL may not be totally compatible with the current froogle release.




select concat( '$ProductURL' ,products.products_id) AS product_url,

products_model , products_weight , products_quantity ,

manufacturers.manufacturers_name ,

products_description.products_name AS name,

products_description.products_description AS description,

FORMAT( ifnull( specials.specials_new_products_price , products.products_price ) ,2) AS price,

CONCAT( '$ImageURL' ,products.products_image) AS image_url,

concat_ws( '$StandardDelimiter' , catdescparent.categories_name , catdesccurrent.categories_name ) AS category ,

categories.shopping_com_id ,



FROM categories ,



categories_description as catdesccurrent,



left join categories_description as catdescparent on ( catdescparent.categories_id = categories.parent_id )

left join manufacturers on ( manufacturers.manufacturers_id = products.manufacturers_id )



left join specials on ( specials.products_id = products.products_id

and specials.expires_date > CURRENT_DATE)


WHERE products.products_id=products_description.products_id

AND products.products_id=products_to_categories.products_id

AND products_to_categories.categories_id=categories.categories_id

AND catdesccurrent.categories_id = categories.categories_id

and products.products_status != 0

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This is a great mod, I'm well impressed!


One thing that came to mind though, would it be possible to include the manufacturer name in the feed?  I see from the Froogle information that they support a field entitled 'brand'.  It would be mucho helpful for us to use this field.

I wasn't aware that manufacturer name can be included into the feed, I will have to look into that after I finish my project for school. =(

Yeah, it was in the instruction stuff they send once the feed was accepted. It's on page 5 of the manual, under Advanced Options. If you need a copy, PM me and I'll email it

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First off: Great Contribution! Thanks so much for all of you!


I have a minor problem here.

The txt result went fine, the uploading step went fine but why is only record 2 category name?


My website is http://www.eracings.com and my category can be as deep as 4 click. Example category:

aerodynamics > Acura > Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit.. then you'll see the products


On the text result, it was only show the last two category name which is:

Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit

I needed to be:

aerodynamics > Acura > Integra 1990-1993 > Full Kit


Can anyone help??

I appreciate all the time and effort




hmm. it should be alright.... could you pm me the link to your froogle feed and show me some examples?

I am in a similar business (auto accessories) and have many products that are 7-9 categories deep. This contrib works fine with them and picks them up!


EDIT: Actually it does seem to not pick up certain products......Calvin would you like to take a peek?



Edited by carrerarod
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ok, forget my last post. it DOES pick up all products, what it doesn't do is display the full-path of the category beyond 2 levels. But all products are there!



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ok, forget my last post. it DOES pick up all products, what it doesn't do is display the full-path of the category beyond 2 levels. But all products are there!



what does it display instead? and do the links work?

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ok, here is an example:


What your script displays in the .txt file:


Programmers/Chips > Hummer



What my actual category for this product is:


Engine & Performance > Computer Tuning > Programmers/Chips > Hummer


and yes the links work fine....just the category display.....



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Froogle Data Feeder Version 1.1.2a was just released, it only updates the readme file from the previous release.


Feature Request:

International Currency Conversion is under final beta testing.

Addition of the Brands tab is under investigation.

Deeper than two Categories will be investigated.

Speed Optimization is pending.

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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Speed Optimization is pending.

Is this an issue? I was actually impressed with the performance compared to the easypopulate froogle exporter function.


I have about 3300 products and this script runs about 7-10 seconds which includes the upload :huh:


Seems fast enough to me....



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Speed Optimization is pending.

Is this an issue? I was actually impressed with the performance compared to the easypopulate froogle exporter function.


I have about 3300 products and this script runs about 7-10 seconds which includes the upload :huh:


Seems fast enough to me....



Seems pretty fast to me too!


So, I guess we are just gonna wait till the " master" fix the category path.

BTW, what is your website.. you can PM me if you don't want to list it here.


Body Kit

Body Kit Forum

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BTW, what is your website.. you can PM me if you don't want to list it here.

Just click on the "www" button under my posts....


Forum rules prevent us from posting links to our live stores.



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This is a great mod, I'm well impressed!


One thing that came to mind though, would it be possible to include the manufacturer name in the feed?? I see from the Froogle information that they support a field entitled 'brand'.? It would be mucho helpful for us to use this field.

I wasn't aware that manufacturer name can be included into the feed, I will have to look into that after I finish my project for school. =(

Yeah, it was in the instruction stuff they send once the feed was accepted. It's on page 5 of the manual, under Advanced Options. If you need a copy, PM me and I'll email it

hmm, the pdf you sent me is for high volume sellers. does anyone know if these extra fields can be applied to smaller sites?

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hmm, the pdf you sent me is for high volume sellers. does anyone know if these extra fields can be applied to smaller sites?

froogle has no way to decipher high-volume sellers vs. small shops..... to the best of my knowledge, they don't check any of that...


if you are looking for a guinea pig to test your code, send it my way....



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Speed Optimization is pending.

Is this an issue? I was actually impressed with the performance compared to the easypopulate froogle exporter function.


I have about 3300 products and this script runs about 7-10 seconds which includes the upload :huh:


Seems fast enough to me....



Seems pretty fast to me too!


So, I guess we are just gonna wait till the " master" fix the category path.

BTW, what is your website.. you can PM me if you don't want to list it here.

Most likely, the next public version released will feature just the currency conversions. Known stable beta versions of the additional fields and the deeper categories will be made available to select users. ;) And the following version, will focus on cleaning up the code and improving performance. I understand, it is fast. But it can be always faster... especially coming from you car guys. Hopefully, i can get the deeper than two category thing sorted out by this weekend before a couple other projects and my midterms for school. Looks like overtime for me.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

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hmm, the pdf you sent me is for high volume sellers.  does anyone know if these extra fields can be applied to smaller sites?

froogle has no way to decipher high-volume sellers vs. small shops..... to the best of my knowledge, they don't check any of that...


if you are looking for a guinea pig to test your code, send it my way....



just quick thinking... they can monitor the number of clicks that go through froogle.

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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Where n is the number of products and m is the number of categories. This is an approximate number of operations, I did not include operations on the descriptions, etc. It only includes approximates of the major additions.


The original code, before version 1.0 was O(n) operations.

Version 1.0 is O(2n) operations (addition of specials).

Version 1.1 is O(2n) operations (modified html handling)

Version 1.2 is (3n) or (2n) operations (addition of currency conversion).

Version 1.3 is O(n*(n*m)) or (3n) or (2n) operations (addition of all categories).


Meaning... version 1.3 is in the order of O(m*n^2) time due to the recursive nature of finding the categories to the root. Version 1.3 features a maxCatDepth, so for incredibly large databases, it will still be able to run in the order of O(n) when maxCatDepth is set to 0.


Version 1.4 will update the Froogle Data Feeder to Advance Format... unless there is strong oposition. This will require everyone to contact froogle to switch over, if they are currently using the basic format.


Version 1.5 will remove all of the excess for users, and focus on performance.


I suggest using the lowest version possible up until v1.12. So if you don't need currency conversion, or a category depth greater than two, use v1.12!

Edited by FlyingMonkey

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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