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Automatically send data feed to Froogle


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OK - thanks - I upgraded to 1.4.4 and left them disabled.


Hopefully 1.4.4 is bug free :)

All of the public releases starting from were beta tested by members of the community starting from v1.1.2a and are deemed stable. Since 1.1.2 there have been no major bugs found in the public releases. The only bug found was a minor bug caught by Rick. The 1.4 series likely to introduced a few bugs, due to the added variables when using the advance options.


Matt: Changing the code to write straight to the disk, would increase execution time.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

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I ran into a problem with a store that had 10K products, it ran out of memory when processing the froogle feed.


I modified the code so it writes the file in 500 product blocks, and then everything was fine. By writing 500 products at a time, it doesn't seem to have a significant slow down effect (especially when compared to not working) If someone else who has a large product list wants to test the changes, PM me and I'll send them to you. If they work, I'll send the changes to Calvin for possible inclusion in the next release.


Of course, 170000 products may require some additional tuning :)



Dan Stevens

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1.3.7 will run faster than 1.4.4. There aren't any known bugs in 1.4.4, but I am pretty sure something will pop up using the advance options. There were too many combinations for testing. With or without the advance options 1.4.4 seems to run fine (bug free). 1.4.4 basic's performance will run fairly close to 1.3.7, so if you've already installed it and it's working. Just leave it alone.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

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I ran into a problem with a store that had 10K products, it ran out of memory when processing the froogle feed.


I modified the code so it writes the file in 500 product blocks, and then everything was fine.  By writing 500 products at a time, it doesn't seem to have a significant slow down effect (especially when compared to not working)  If someone else who has a large product list wants to test the changes, PM me and I'll send them to you.  If they work, I'll send the changes to Calvin for possible inclusion in the next release.


Of course, 170000 products may require some additional tuning :)



ahh, i was just thinking about that too. you could also tweak it to write the file every 5k. please send me the code if it works and i'll integrate it into the next release.


If you use 1.3.7, it should be marginally faster than 1.4.4 there are a few less comparisions per operation with advance options disabled. Anything previous to 1.3.7 should run even quicker.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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OK I saw the post and am not sure of the answer - but I have this error as I am trying to update:


Connected to hedwig.google.com, for user ...siteuser...


Warning: ftp_put(): froogle.txt: Permission denied on server. (Overwrite) in /home/...siteuser.../public_html/manager/froogle_feed.php on line 244

FTP upload has FAILED! source: /home/...siteuser.../public_html/feeds/froogle.txt dest: froogle.txt



I am using application_top to call some info but it worked for the 1st one.


When I manually FTP in to Froogle I see that txt file is owned by root and has a permission of 440.


I have sent an email to google - any thoughts?

osC Contributions I have published.


Note: Some I only provided minor changes, updates or additions!

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yes pulling the info by including application top works.


did you chmod to 777 as stated in the directions? you can also get the message if you send too many feeds to fast. 1 a day.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

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I've setup froogle.php and can access the web page in the password protected admin directory. I get Script timer: 0.038204 seconds, no mention of ftping upto Froogle.


I've tried to setup Cron as

0 4 * * 3 /usr/bin/php -q /home/myweb/froogle/froogle.txt/ admin/froogle.php


Cron emails be an error message of:

/bin/sh: line 1: 0: command not found


Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Thanks in advance

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I've installed your excellent froogle mod! THANK YOU. I am having one small problem. Froogle processed my first upload and provide this feedback:



Your feed has been rejected due to the reasons listed below.


- Non working product_urls


Indeed when I go to the feed .txt file the product urls do not work. here's an example of one:




Any ideas of what is going on?



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Hi ,

Please i need help :(


I have downloaded the the contribution from


and installed the froggle.php in the admin , then modified the necessary lines


Then i created the file /feeds/shopwheel.txt and chomd 777

Then i went to the sql and run the code down in the qoute , but i keep getting error messages


#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'mysql - xx- xx - xx - e "select concat


sure i repalce xx with username , password and database


What i am doing wrong ??? Please please help :blink:




mysql -uXXXX -pXXXXX -DXXXXX -e "select concat('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/product_info.php?products_id=',products.products_id) AS product_url, products_description.products_name AS name, products_description.products_description AS description, FORMAT(products.products_price,2) AS price, CONCAT('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/images/',products.products_image) AS image_url, categories_description.categories_name AS category FROM categories, products, products_description, categories_description, products_to_categories WHERE products.products_id=products_description.products_id AND products.products_id=products_to_categories.products_id AND products_to_categories.categories_id=categories.categories_id AND categories_description.categories_id=IF(categories.parent_id='0',categories.categories_id,categories.parent_id)" > /tmp/FILENAME_PER_GOOGLE_SPECS.txt;


I neeeeeeeeeeed Help

Edited by fadi
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Hi ,

Please i need help :(


I have downloaded the the contribution from


and installed the froggle.php in the admin , then modified the necessary lines


Then i created the file /feeds/shopwheel.txt and chomd 777

Then i went to the sql and run the code down in the qoute , but i keep getting error messages


#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'mysql - xx- xx - xx - e "select concat


sure i repalce xx with username , password and database


What i am doing wrong ??? Please please help :blink:




mysql -uXXXX -pXXXXX -DXXXXX -e "select concat('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/product_info.php?products_id=',products.products_id) AS product_url, products_description.products_name AS name, products_description.products_description AS description, FORMAT(products.products_price,2) AS price, CONCAT('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/images/',products.products_image) AS image_url, categories_description.categories_name AS category FROM categories, products, products_description, categories_description, products_to_categories WHERE products.products_id=products_description.products_id AND products.products_id=products_to_categories.products_id AND products_to_categories.categories_id=categories.categories_id AND categories_description.categories_id=IF(categories.parent_id='0',categories.categories_id,categories.parent_id)" > /tmp/FILENAME_PER_GOOGLE_SPECS.txt;


I neeeeeeeeeeed Help

did you set your database username and password, it cannot be left as default? did you modify the SQL query? also try what John said too, it's not suppose to be run through phpMyAdmin, etc.

Edited by FlyingMonkey

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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I am not able to generate the file (froogle text file) can anyone guide me how to do ??


i tried running this code in phpadmin mysql

-uXXXX -pXXXXX -DXXXXX -e "select concat('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/product_info.php?products_id=',products.products_id) AS product_url, products_description.products_name AS name, products_description.products_description AS description, FORMAT(products.products_price,2) AS price, CONCAT('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/images/',products.products_image) AS image_url, categories_description.categories_name AS category FROM categories, products, products_description, categories_description, products_to_categories WHERE products.products_id=products_description.products_id AND products.products_id=products_to_categories.products_id AND products_to_categories.categories_id=categories.categories_id AND categories_description.categories_id=IF(categories.parent_id='0',categories.categories_id,categories.parent_id)" > /tmp/FILENAME_PER_GOOGLE_SPECS.txt;


But did not work out , pls help

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I am not able to generate the file (froogle text file) can anyone guide me how to do ??


i tried running this code in phpadmin mysql

-uXXXX -pXXXXX -DXXXXX -e "select concat('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/product_info.php?products_id=',products.products_id) AS product_url, products_description.products_name AS name, products_description.products_description AS description, FORMAT(products.products_price,2) AS price, CONCAT('http://YOUR_DOMAIN_GOES_HERE/images/',products.products_image) AS image_url, categories_description.categories_name AS category FROM categories, products, products_description, categories_description, products_to_categories WHERE products.products_id=products_description.products_id AND products.products_id=products_to_categories.products_id AND products_to_categories.categories_id=categories.categories_id AND categories_description.categories_id=IF(categories.parent_id='0',categories.categories_id,categories.parent_id)" > /tmp/FILENAME_PER_GOOGLE_SPECS.txt;


But did not work out , pls help

Fadi: you really need to read the post by Mibble and I. we've both said NOT to run sql query in phpMyAdmin. This is exactly what Talon has just posted too. If you followed the directions, no where does it indicate to run anything in phpMyAdmin.

Most likely your question has been answered, please do a search first.

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