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Automatically send data feed to Froogle


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Jack I worked with the php path yesterday, involving the host tech support. Can't figure out the glitch, so I am going to go with just having google process these. I have an upload set up with google on one shop to do that and it is processing correctly.


for the file source I enter


then on googlebase there's a place to enter the username and password

I hadn't looked at it in a while and they didn't used to have username/password fields. Looks like that solves the cron job problem as long as the schduler doesn't fail. It seems to me it is looking for an upload but there won't be one, by the scheduler but the googlefeeder file will then upload the feed. So it may create failures and then fix those failures. It will be interested to see if you run into any problems with this. Please let me know after the scheduler has ran several times.

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No, I have test products setup here that use more than one and it works as expected. Are you sure they data is being written to the wrong column and that it isn't just that it appears to be that way due to how Excel spaces the columns?

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I am sure excel is writing it in the wrong column


I am add a link to the text file so you can look at it



That displays as a .txt file so I can't tell what is in which column. But I believe you are seeing the problem. It is just not something that can be handled in a support thread, at least by me.

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This looks like it works




for ($a = 0; $a < count($attributesColumns); ++$a)


if ($products_options_name->products_options_name == $attributesColumns[$a])


if ($a == 0)

$trackTabs = "\t"; /* add tab for eof if $a = 0 */



if (empty($trackTabs))


$trackTabs = str_repeat("\t", $a);

$trackTabs .= "\t";




$trackTabs = "\t"; /* add one tab for each loop > 0 */



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Please let me know after the scheduler has ran several times.


Jack, it appears that running the feed from the googlefeeder page http://www.google.com/merchants/bulkuploads will work. I've had a couple set up for a week now and the results are positive.


After the scheduled run I get three messages from google, one with zero products uploaded, then two (duplicates?) affirming that all my products were uploaded.


So until I figure out the path issue in that cron that's what I'll be doing.


If anybody else needs to do this, you enter the url to your googlefeeder file something like



then below that there's a place to put your username and password that you have set up (if you have it set up and you should) to protect your admin folder.



I am not a professional webmaster or PHP coder by background or training but I will try to help as best I can.

I remember what it was like when I first started with osC. It can be overwhelming.

However, I strongly recommend considering hiring a professional for extensive site modifications, site cleaning, etc.

There are several good pros here on osCommerce. Look around, you'll figure out who they are.

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Jack, it appears that running the feed from the googlefeeder page http://www.google.com/merchants/bulkuploads will work. I've had a couple set up for a week now and the results are positive.

Thanks for posting that. I had planned on making a few changes to the code so I'll add that as an alternative to cron.

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I have just setup Googlebase on my localhost OSCommerce website, and everything works fine, except the image URL which all have http://http:// as the prefix.


I am sure its something simple, but please advise how I can resolve this?


Many thanks in advance.

You may have entered the http:// in the settings, which would be wrong. If not, it would be due to how your configure file or local server is set up.

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Can someone help me ? I am very new to oscommerce . I have installed oscommerce version 2.3.1 , adedd few products just for testing . Installed google feeder addon v2.9 , set up it using instructions as in readme.txt . When I click "

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any idea on what this error is, just started getting it last week?


getting this from my cron job running googlefeeder.php newest ver.


Warning: require(includes/configure.php): failed to open stream: No such

file or directory in

/usr/www/users/osc/admin/includes/application_top.php on line 29


Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'includes/configure.php'

(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in

/usr/www/users/osc/admin/includes/application_top.php on line 29

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any idea on what this error is, just started getting it last week?


getting this from my cron job running googlefeeder.php newest ver.


Warning: require(includes/configure.php): failed to open stream: No such

file or directory in

/usr/www/users/osc/admin/includes/application_top.php on line 29


Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required 'includes/configure.php'

(include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in

/usr/www/users/osc/admin/includes/application_top.php on line 29

When the script is ran in admin, it tried to load the configure file in the shop side. The error is saying it can't find it. That is most likely due to a mistake in the confiugre file(s). See the link elsewhere in this thread to a thread describing how to set up the configure file.

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New products are only added when the script is ran. Since they are not in the feed, that means it hasn't been ran, or failed for some reason. And if it hadn't been ran, the dates won't change and the products will expire.

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Yeah, it was reading from an old feed apparently it is case sensitive. However Google merchant centre is giving me an error of "Missing Unique Product Identifiers" now, any suggestions?

The UPI is a UNIQUE (global) code for your product. Bar Code number etc. Google Info Page. If your products have one then it needs to be included. My products never will so I contacted Google and got an exception which allowed the products to be listed and searchable. Exception Request Page. This is not best practice but got my products back in the listings.
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Yeah, it was reading from an old feed apparently it is case sensitive. However Google merchant centre is giving me an error of "Missing Unique Product Identifiers" now, any suggestions?

Enable the Brand and MPN options, make sure they are filled in in the feed and the errors should go away. The exception is if you sell products that use an ISBN number.

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Thanks that seems to have resolved that particular issue. I have one more concern and that is that the feed generater script is telling me that the feed contains 1182 procuts however when inserted to google its inserting "1110 of 1110"

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Thanks that seems to have resolved that particular issue. I have one more concern and that is that the feed generater script is telling me that the feed contains 1182 procuts however when inserted to google its inserting "1110 of 1110"

Without knowning which products are missing, it isn't possible to say. Try enabling the ignore products with price of $0 and see if your count is different. Google won't accept prices of $0.

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This past week (12-March-2012) our 8,100 google base products became unavailable because the expiration date is earlier than today. For some reason the expiration date in the feed is being calculaated as 10-March-2012.


I cannot find a place in the googlefeeder.php where the expiration date is calculated, but only where it's picked up from the dataset

line 300: if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_EXPIRATION == 1) $output .= "\texpiration_date";


Can someone tell me what I need to configure differently in my admin panel or in the googlefeeder.php? I have looked in cpanel and don't see a field named expiration_date. Not sure if this has anything to do with daylight savings time. I updated GoogleFeeder in October 2011. File has no reference to version number, but // Last Update: 12/25/09 by Jack_mcs at oscommerce-solution.com


I've had to patch this problem by running feeder but not uploading file until I edit/replace the date with a date 30 days from today.





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This past week (12-March-2012) our 8,100 google base products became unavailable because the expiration date is earlier than today. For some reason the expiration date in the feed is being calculaated as 10-March-2012.


I cannot find a place in the googlefeeder.php where the expiration date is calculated, but only where it's picked up from the dataset

line 300: if(OPTIONS_ENABLED_EXPIRATION == 1) $output .= "\texpiration_date";


Can someone tell me what I need to configure differently in my admin panel or in the googlefeeder.php? I have looked in cpanel and don't see a field named expiration_date. Not sure if this has anything to do with daylight savings time. I updated GoogleFeeder in October 2011. File has no reference to version number, but // Last Update: 12/25/09 by Jack_mcs at oscommerce-solution.com


I've had to patch this problem by running feeder but not uploading file until I edit/replace the date with a date 30 days from today.

You shouldn't have to change anything. See the recent post about this same problem.

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A new version has been uploaded with these changes:


- Moved the FTP_ENABLED line out of the settings section since it is no longer a setting.

- Added code to display items with quantity and price of 0.

- Added a link to view the file in csv format, which makes viewing it in admin better.

- Fixed code that was showing products and prices of 0 for products with a status of 0.

- Replaced missing catID code that was deleted by mistake in a previous version.

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FTP upload (V3) problem - probably a Google issue.


Up to now I have been manually down/up loading my products file. I had not previously set up an FTP account. When I saw that V3 was announced I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade and also use FTP to simplify the process. Unfortunately the FTP side of things does not seem to be working. Here is what I have done so far.

  • Upgrade to V3 (using DiffMerge to identify and migrate the settings to the new googlefeeder.php)
  • Run a manual check to verify it is working "Create and do not upload a GoogleBase datafeed"
  • Create an FTP account with Google (http://www.google.co.uk/merchants/ftpsettings)
  • Wait 24 hours even though it stated only 15 minutes for account to become live
  • Run Create and Upload a GoogleBase datafeed - no sign of errors, usual results page displayed
  • Wait 24 hours even though a manual upload is processed within an hour or so
  • Check the Google Merchant Centre Dashboard to see the current products status - STILL showing expiring products!
  • Open a browser page for ftp://uploads.google.com/ - no file
  • Access ftp://uploads.google.com/ with FileZilla to verify above - no file
  • Manually FTP (FileZilla) upload the file. Transfer without errors but no file appeared at Google's end?

No matter what I do I can not see a file at ftp://uploads.google.com/. No errors, just no file!


One odd thing I did notice was a 'sort of' error from the FileZilla upload log

Status: File transfer successful, transferred 1,829,630 bytes in 39 seconds
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (72,14,245,21,4,82)
Command: LIST
Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for directory listing.
Status: Invalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8.
Response: 226 Transfer complete.
Status: Directory listing successful

I am unsure about the UTF-8 message though the final result is a transfer and listing success. Where is the file?


Does anyone have any suggestions for the next step in debugging or fixing this?

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