sputnikinternet Posted December 19, 2003 Posted December 19, 2003 I've looked and looked, and not figured out why the links on my site are pointing to odd places, seemingly becuase it's putting the variable name in instead of the value. Ideas? (php.in flie, perhaps). Cheers Andy
sputnikinternet Posted December 20, 2003 Author Posted December 20, 2003 all wokrs well on my local (windows XP) machine, and goes to pot when i uplad to Red Hat system to see the problem, have a look at http://u-lingerie.co.uk/catalog/ and try and link from any of the product pics.
Guest Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 you have your configure.php file setup incorrectly, just highlight one of the images and see what the bottom link bar says. go into the admin section, turn on logging, set up the file properly that the log is pointing to, do a touch filename and make it writeable, also check the server log. it is most likely your document root. check both configure.php files
sputnikinternet Posted December 20, 2003 Author Posted December 20, 2003 That's the weird thing, configure.php looks right, although hovering over an image does highlight the problem, that the defined variable "dir_ws_http_catalog" shows the variable name instead of "/catalog/" the line in both configure.php files reads define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/catalog/'); // absolute path required (alhtough I did have this wrong in the admin one, but now that I've changed it, it hasn't fixed the problem) Here are the log results from one viewing of index.php QUERY select value from sessions where sesskey = 'ad8688c857ba6c5468ff9973608ee98d' and expiry > '1071946552' RESULT Resource id #16 QUERY select code, title, symbol_left, symbol_right, decimal_point, thousands_point, decimal_places, value from currencies RESULT Resource id #20 QUERY select languages_id, name, code, image, directory from languages order by sort_order RESULT Resource id #26 QUERY delete from whos_online where time_last_click < '1071945652' RESULT 1 QUERY select count(*) as count from whos_online where session_id = 'ad8688c857ba6c5468ff9973608ee98d' RESULT Resource id #33 QUERY insert into whos_online (customer_id, full_name, session_id, ip_address, time_entry, time_last_click, last_page_url) values ('0', 'Guest', 'ad8688c857ba6c5468ff9973608ee98d', '', '1071946552', '1071946552', '/catalog/') RESULT 1 QUERY select banners_id, date_scheduled from banners where date_scheduled != '' RESULT Resource id #43 QUERY select b.banners_id, b.expires_date, b.expires_impressions, sum(bh.banners_shown) as banners_shown from banners b, banners_history bh where b.status = '1' and b.banners_id = bh.banners_id group by b.banners_id RESULT Resource id #46 QUERY select specials_id from specials where status = '1' and now() >= expires_date and expires_date > 0 RESULT Resource id #50 QUERY select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='1' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name RESULT Resource id #60 QUERY select count(*) as count from categories where parent_id = '3' RESULT Resource id #63 QUERY select count(*) as total from products p, products_to_categories p2c where p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p.products_status = '1' and p2c.categories_id = '3' RESULT Resource id #66 QUERY select categories_id from categories where parent_id = '3' RESULT Resource id #69 Funnily enough, the admin system seems to be working fine with the same settings (I just copied the same configure.php to both locations) I'm not sure what you mean by "touch filename" though. Any clues in all that?
Guest Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 Are you using a configure.php file that is from a different version than the rest of the code? Note that you are showing DIR_WS_CATALOG from configure.php, but the code is looking for DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG. Hth, Matt
sputnikinternet Posted December 21, 2003 Author Posted December 21, 2003 I take my hat off to that eagle eyed man. Not sure how it all went wrong in the first place, but for the record of future victims of stupidity, my configure.php file (not the admin one, was setting the wrong variables. My solution was to redownload oscommerce, take the catalog/includes/configure.php file, fill it in again, and upload it to server. Cheers for the help guys. Andy
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