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alternate for tep not NULL


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I made some mods to have more product info in my store that are very similar to the manufactures ID that gets placed in the products table.


I am currently using this code to display the information if it is entered.

     $actors_id_14 = $product_info['actors_id_14'];
     $actor_info_query_14= tep_db_query("SELECT  actors_name FROM " . TABLE_ACTORS . " WHERE  actors_id = $actors_id_14");
     $actor_info_14 = tep_db_fetch_array($actor_info_query_14);
	 echo ", ";
	 echo "<a href='actors.php?actors_id=";
	 echo stripslashes($product_info['actors_id_14']);
	 echo "'>";
	 echo stripslashes($actor_info_14['actors_name']); 
	 echo "</a>";


And it works fine for what I need to do except for one small glitch. If you change your mind and update the product listing for $actors_id_14 , the database the products table will get set back to 0 instead of NULL.


It is the exact same thing that happens when you deselect a manufuature for a product in your database. Is there another option to using

do something



if ($product_info['actors_id_14'] != 0 {
then do something


I am very new to php and still learning all this stuff. I am surpised i got this far with this project and this is a bug that I cant seem to beat?


any ideas or suggestion?


much Peace, thanks..

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just for the record if anyone searches for this I finally found a solution..


if(($product_info['actors_id_23']) !='0'){
     $actors_id_23 = $product_info['actors_id_23'];
     $actor_info_query_23= tep_db_query("SELECT  actors_name FROM " . TABLE_ACTORS . " WHERE  actors_id = $actors_id_23");
     $actor_info_23 = tep_db_fetch_array($actor_info_query_23);
	 echo ", ";
	 echo "<a href='actors.php?actors_id=";
	 echo stripslashes($product_info['actors_id_23']);
	 echo "'>";
	 echo stripslashes($actor_info_23['actors_name']); 
	 echo "</a>";


I am sure it is simple enough but since i am only learning php and sql through playing with osC it is usually these little things that stump me.


Anyway, since I found that NULL fields get updated to 0 when being edited in admin/catagories.php using !='0' works well. This was the same method that is used for manufucturer info..



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