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Shipping to Different Areas


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Hi group-


I *must* be missing something basic.


I want to be able to assign different static shipping rates depending on where the product is being shipped. If it's in my area shipping is 8$, 20 Km's outside my area 15$, to Toronto 22$, blah blah blah.


I thought I would be able to set up differnt zones and then assign these zones to the *shipping* zoines rates. Of course - this would also include integrity/honesty on the part of the customer.


This does not seem to be working - when I try to implement this it says "only one shipping price has been assigned".


HOW can I set up this senario ? (I got caught this week 'casue a person ordered a product to be delivered 5000 Km's away but I only charged her 8$ shipping!)


Thanks, david


If you'd like to see the live example:


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Hi David, from a West Coast Canuck, :)


I'm still in the process of setting up my shop, and started out setting shipping prices based on the Zones modules, with different zones for Canada (separated by 3 regions), US and International. (I've looked at so many posts in so many forums lately, that I can't remember where I found the explanation of it, but it was really easy to set up. Tips & Tricks maybe?)


In my case, however, I wanted the shipping description to include the average number of days shipping would take, and couldn't get the zones model to do that for me. So I went to table-based shipping instead, and set up three new table.php pages to cover the types of shipping I needed: usps_table.php, intlair_table.php and canadapost_table.php. Zones were defined from within the Tax Zones area in the /admin section of the cart and again, I found a great explanation of how to do this in, I think, the Tips & Tricks forum -- or maybe Contributions.


Sorry this is so vague -- I'm new to this, too, but have managed to make my way through many of the contributions to accomplish what I need to do. Try searching for multi-zone shipping or shipping tables.





Terry Kluytmans


Contribs Installed: Purchase Without Account (PWA); Big Images, Product Availability, Description in Product Listing, Graphical Infobox, Header Tags Controller, Login Box, Option Type Feature, plus many layout changes & other mods of my own, like:


Add order total to checkout_shipment

Add order total to checkout_payment

Add radio buttons at checkout_shipping (for backorder options, etc.)

Duplicate Table Rate Shipping Module

Better Product Review Flow


* If at first you don't succeed, find out if there's a prize for the loser. *

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This was one of the Zones posts that helped me:




Will post the other one (duplicating table.php) if I can find it...





Terry Kluytmans


Contribs Installed: Purchase Without Account (PWA); Big Images, Product Availability, Description in Product Listing, Graphical Infobox, Header Tags Controller, Login Box, Option Type Feature, plus many layout changes & other mods of my own, like:


Add order total to checkout_shipment

Add order total to checkout_payment

Add radio buttons at checkout_shipping (for backorder options, etc.)

Duplicate Table Rate Shipping Module

Better Product Review Flow


* If at first you don't succeed, find out if there's a prize for the loser. *

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Bingo! Here it is:







Terry Kluytmans


Contribs Installed: Purchase Without Account (PWA); Big Images, Product Availability, Description in Product Listing, Graphical Infobox, Header Tags Controller, Login Box, Option Type Feature, plus many layout changes & other mods of my own, like:


Add order total to checkout_shipment

Add order total to checkout_payment

Add radio buttons at checkout_shipping (for backorder options, etc.)

Duplicate Table Rate Shipping Module

Better Product Review Flow


* If at first you don't succeed, find out if there's a prize for the loser. *

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Hi Terry - thanks a lot for your response. I hadn't really "considered" tabvle rate as I did not know what it meant! lol.


I really like oscommerce but I think their terms could be more concise. Or - maybe these terms are "shipping and receiving" terms that are that I simply don't know.


Anyway - thanks foer the post and I'll try to implement tonight!


David in Ottawa! :)

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Hey Terry - eureka!


Well - kind of eureka. I went to take a look at the table zones and I *think* I see what you're talking about.

I'll have multiple table rate with a different shipping zone assigned to each one.


Man - I've been a software programmer for almost ten years - and this SHIPPING stuff has been giving me so much agro it's crazy! :-)


Anyway - as I said I'll implement tonight - hope it goes well.



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I think if remember sorrectly this can be done in weight, price or quantity, but would require one to be assigned.

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The table rate allows you to choose weight or price as the method for calculating the shipping price. Mine is based on weight, so I've assigned every product a weight and then use a set of variables that differs for each general region I ship to.


In your case, it sounds like your shipping charge will be determined by the location alone, yes? Weight will not be a factor? If not, you could probably set up a shipping table for each region, set the parameters to whatever maximum number of baskets would fall within that shipping price, and then repeat for each area.


I'm not sure whether you can drill down to the KM the way you want to, though. I haven't dug deep enough into osC yet to know 'how low you can go.' :)





Terry Kluytmans


Contribs Installed: Purchase Without Account (PWA); Big Images, Product Availability, Description in Product Listing, Graphical Infobox, Header Tags Controller, Login Box, Option Type Feature, plus many layout changes & other mods of my own, like:


Add order total to checkout_shipment

Add order total to checkout_payment

Add radio buttons at checkout_shipping (for backorder options, etc.)

Duplicate Table Rate Shipping Module

Better Product Review Flow


* If at first you don't succeed, find out if there's a prize for the loser. *

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