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Newbie Index.php Help


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I have read through this forum and I am still having trouble understanding how to change the index.php to do what I want.


Right now I have 1 - 4 on that page


1. Error Messages

2. Editing Page Texts

3. Securing The Administration Tool

4. Online Documentation


I found the index.php file.


Am I just supposed to delete all of that stuff from that file ?


I basically just want the "Do you want to sign in ?" and the "New products for <month>" to be there.


Also, how do you get the "Best Sellers" to be there (on the right). Does that happen automatically once the site is running ?



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Hey man, to remove the stuff so that theres only the login, goto, catalog/includes/languages/english (if thats you language) index.php.

Look for (define('TEXT_MAIN', and remove what yuou want from between the ' '

That will remove the text from the front page.

The new products will remain there, and the Best Sellers happens automatically once things start getting bought, you can buy something yourself to get something started...

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