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The e-commerce.

Who's Online (Only certain employees)


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Anyone know how you can display only a certain group or individual (that has signed into their account) as being online. You see I don't want everybody showing up... just certain employees in charge of their service field. When they are signed into their accounts... I want it to show that they are online in the who's online area... so customers know.... they are available.??? Am I making sense?




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Do you mean that you want the customers to beable to see when an employee is online so maybe they can have a live chat etc etc?


If so, then this contrib is probably the one you'll need. http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1035


You sign in through the admin pages and it shows a pretty box on the front screen of OSC. The employees can then initiate a webchat or can be contacted by the customers directly.

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Thanks Steve,


I appreciate your assistance. I have Live Chat on the site already for the customer service department.


I need something other than ICQ to show that an idividual is online... currently I have 3 advisors that I need to be able to sign in and out for customer availability. I want it to show on the site for clients that their advisor is available for service.


If their is a way through Live Chat that allows more than just one to show being logged on at once, theat would be GREAT! Maybe it does??? Maybe I'm missing something?




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