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Missing argument 2 for tep_get_zone_name...


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I am trying to migrate my MS1 storefront to MS2.

It is a clean install, and I saw no differences between the configuration tables so I migrated the data. now I get this error warning in admin_config.php

Warning: Missing argument 2 for tep_get_zone_name() in /home/dragon/public_html/erotica/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 282


Warning: Missing argument 3 for tep_get_zone_name() in /home/dragon/public_html/erotica/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 282

I just spent 45 mins looking for a solution- it hasn't shown up in th eerrors section of the wiki documentation, and none of the posts asking for help here have been answered.

I could just rebuild the tables, but I see from other posts how this error follows all kinds of alterations, not just what I am doing.

Does anyone here know of a forum specifically for mysql/php issues? maybe that would be a better place to ask for help.

psst... wanna buy a wand?

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I don't know if this will help you or not, but I was receiving a similar (but not exact) error. I searched through every file and could not find a tep_get_zone_name function. I did find a tep_cfg_get_zone_name function though. I went into the mySQL configuration table and found the row defining "zone". Another column in that row indicates what function it should call. I added the "cfg_" into the function name and it fixed the problem.


Sorry I don't have the exact table columns and stuff at my fingertips to give them to you. Even if this isn't your exact problem or doesn't fix it for you, it may jog someone elses memory and they can help you further.


Good luck.

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