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The e-commerce.

user 'name' has exceeded the 'max_questions'....


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when I try to update information about a particular item in my catalog it get an error "1226 - User 'redfish' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 36000)"

"select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




This occurs as I said when I try to make a change to a catagory entrie.. either text or image update. It shuts the ENTIRE site down for a period of about 5 minutes. I called tech support of my host "POWWEB" and they said it was a problem on MY end. That obviously I was using too much server resources.


I have not modified any part of oscommerce except visually.


The site is not even live yet! There is no one on the site except ME trying to modify some entries. Has anyone else had this problem? What is the solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I was curious to see if you ever found a solution to this problem. I also have Ipowerweb and was wondering if they were the problem, or if you had found a solution. I have been getting the same problem when I try to populate my products.


Thanks for any help you can give.



Patrick Louka



"Life greatest art learned through its hardest knocks is to make stepping stones of stumbling blocks."

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Amazingly this problem was solved with the latested version of OScommerce. I guess it was a bug in the programing of the script. All is well since I updated to the latested version. So no action is required. This problem continues to be exhibited on a second install of the software which I have not upgraded so I know its not a config problem on POWWEB servers. Never found out what was causing the error...

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