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The e-commerce.

major headache


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hi there I have no idea if this is the right forum for posting this but here goes anyway.

ok here is the problem I am having. I have managed to get a basic shop up and running on my site in the colours I want and the style I want, great no prob there but I need to be able to add gift vouchers to the store as a lot of my customers buy my items for friends who live overseas and they have been asking for quite a while now for an easier option for this.


I downloaded the credit class and gift voucher contribution and have had nothing but a bad nightmare ever since.


I did as was suggested and installed a new shop on my site (testshop) I then followed the instructions one by one as per the instal.htm file.

Once the files were all configured and the database updated and permissions set nothing, nada, zilch.


there was no testshop page accessable to anyone including myself. I called my hosting company to see if there was a prob but according to them, all the file permissions were set as they should be for folk in general to see the pages yet still nothing. they even checked the mysql database just to make sure I hadn't done anything wrong there (everything checked out ok which did surprise me as it's the first time i've actually done anything like that)

Anyway. The only solution I can actually come up with for adding gift vouchers to my online shop at this point in time is to make a new shop that only customers who either buy or receive a gift voucher from my store get the url for. that has discounted prices on instead of normal prices, totally long winded and not very good but I can't see any other option.

I've asked time and again for good plain english instructions as I know absolutely nothing about php and scripting but all I ever get is bombarded with technincal jargon.

I'm a non profit site and the idea of the shop is to generate a little revenue to keep other services I offer on my site completely free. As i mentioned before I;ve had offers to do a shop for me for a fee (somethign which has been sorted out) which again I explained at the time due to the above this is not an option.


I've now been working on the shop for over a week now which for the rest of my website is kind of unnacceptable.


All i would like is someone to explain step by step how to add gift vouchers to my site, or point me in the direction of a plain english step by step tutorial.

All the technical jargon I have had in reply to previous posts just goes totally over my head so is completely useless to me. I'm ok where html is concerned, not a problem but anything more complicated and my eyes glaze over :blink:


Please can anyone help before i totally scrap osc from my site and try and find another simpler solution?


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i KNOW it can be installed, but according to my hosting technical support there was absolutely nothing wrong with the files, they couldn't understand why it wasn't showing up either


i'm getting really fed up with the whole thing now. I installed it this morning and since i completed the installation it won't work, so I have just (again) deleted the whole thing.


All I would like is a simple contribution that will allow me to have gift vouchers for sale on my website. obviously if i knew anything about php and databases etc i would have a go myself but I don't know anything about it and at this point in time, i don't have the time to learn which is why i appreciate these forums so much.


but it starts to get a bit wearing when you ask for a plain english explanation and explain why and still get bombarded with technical jargon that you don't understand.



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I really don't believe this, do the words NON and PROFIT in the same sentance not mean anything to anyone anymore?


I have again been told by someone that they will be only too happy to install the module for me for a nice fat fee!!!!




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nothing now as i've totally deleted the whole thing in frustration :(


have had another suggestion sent to me by someone (thanks) so will try giving that a go and see what happens




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Just like tyo say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has responded both here and via PM have a few suggestions to try so will give it a go


thanks again


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I really don't believe this, do the words NON and PROFIT in the same sentance not mean anything to anyone anymore?


I have again been told by someone that they will be only too happy to install the module for me for a nice fat fee!!!!




NON and PROFIT does not mean you cannot pay someone to do it.


Try searching Google for one of the other available Oscommerce forks which have the Gift Vouchers already included.

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i've been told by the forum moderators that it's actually against the rules of the forums to offer help for payment. THAT is what i meant. plus the fact it was already mentioned that as a non profit site I cannot actually afford to pay someone to do this for me else my life would be one hell of a lot easier than it is at this point as I would have paid someone long ago to sort all this out for me if I could afford it thus avoiding the major headache I am having at the moment.



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going back to the actual contribution I was using, I downloaded the updated version this morning and that was what I was using.


I've been told there are a couple of versions elsewhere with the contribution added.


GREAT except the ones I have found don't actually have any installation instructions with them or the ones they have are so choc full of technical mumbo jumbo I have no idea what they mean


guess it's back to the drawing board and adding that gift voucher specific store after all, unless I can find something else that fits the bill



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I would just like to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to the lady who emailed me about the probs I was having.


Have had another go and I am ecstatic and very very pleased to say I have finally got this working yippeeeeeeeeee (sorry lol just so relieved)


What I did was this


ununstalled the test shop I originally tried with. downloaded wsftp (couldn;t get on with the ftp thing I had previous so was initially using the control panel)


installed a new osc (using fantastico)

added the mysql bit that needed adding (didn't do this first in the previous try)

opened wsftp pro and uploaded all the ccgv files to the right area of my file managaer. (public_html/shop/.............. )


edited the couple of files that still needed editing and uploaded them to the server.

took the stylesheet css from the basic shop I have and uploaded that to replace the stylesheet.css file and did the same with the footer.php file


now I am just configuring the items I want to have in the catalogue, adding the gift vouchers and i "should" be all set


so thank you very much to everyone who helped me and made some really great suggestions. I have to say I have felt like i've been banging my head against a brick wall the past few days but now I have finally got it sorted (fingers crossed) and the shop should be up and running by tomorrow

yippeeeee :D




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