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The e-commerce.

register globals = off


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Hi Guys,


Having downloaded and installed your software I quickly discovered that register_globals must be set to "on". That's fine if you run your own webserver and can easily change this php.ini setting but what happens if your hosting provider has this value set to "off"? Is there a way of getting osCommerce to work with this setting set to off?

I love this product and would really like to use it.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions, thoughts, ideas.....

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No, there is not, way too much coding to change to get it that way. Send your host a request to modify your php.ini file and turn register_globals on that is a very easy and simple step. You must also have Curl installed.

save the following where your index.html file is, and name it as test.php

then, from a browser type in http://domain.com/test.php and you will come up with info on how your server is configured.





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Thanks Mibble, Curl is installed and turning register_globals to on isn't something that I would do lightly so I wouldn't expect anything less from my hosting provider. None the less it won't hurt to ask :)


Would there be interest in a version of this product that runs with register_globals=off? I'm seriously contemplating making the changes for myself

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Should be able to turn register_globals on by putting the following in your .htaccess file:


php_value register_globals 1


Alternatively, you can mess with the CVS version of OSC which allows register_globals to be off for the catalog module and should be completely fixed by Milestone 3.

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