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Change subject of e-mail


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Hello everyone,


I am looking for away to change the subject in the e-mail. In addition, we are using this software locally, with local e-mail, and we need the e-mail to have the credit card information in it. The e-mail gets sent locally so it secure. The reason for this is because our e-mail clinet will fax out orders with credit card information on it.


Thank You

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Subject is the third parameter to tep_mail. The wording would be in the appropriate language file.


Somewhere in the email assembly in checkout_process.php, add something like

  $email_order .= $order->info['cc_owner'] . ':' . $order->info['cc_number'] . '@' . $order->info['cc_expires'] . "\n";

WARNING: for anyone else, please be careful before using this. If you have not gone to some length to make the email secure, then it is not. Sending credit card numbers through email may expose you to liability if the credit card number is stolen.




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Thank You very much. I was able to add the credit card information to the e-mail and it works nicely. Just curious... in my admin interface, it tells me what type of card was ran... IE visa, mstr card, ect... is there away to send that information as well in the e-mail?


Also my store does not accept amax, is there away to block certain credit cards?


Thank you very much for your help

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$order->info['cc_type'] is the variable name.


In includes/classes/cc_validation.php (around lines 23-4), change

      } elseif (ereg('^3[47][0-9]{13}$', $this->cc_number)) {
       $this->cc_type = 'American Express';


//      } elseif (ereg('^3[47][0-9]{13}$', $this->cc_number)) {
//        $this->cc_type = 'American Express';



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