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Changing Address Requirements


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Okay, I've been handed this osCommerce systema and I have to say I like it. BUT it's very confusing if you've never done this before.

I want to alter the fields for Customer's addresses. At the moment the fields are: Gender (select M or F), First Name, Last Name, Street Address, Suburb, Post Code, City, State/Province (either text box or drop down menu), Country (Drop down menu)


I want to keep most of it, but I want to change Suburb to a text entry field called Street Address 2; swap the position of Post Code and City and introduce a new text entry field called County/Area


Now my problem is this: I don't know how. Also, if I make changes, will that then add/change fields to the existing MySQL database?


Please help, as I'm afraid of causing major problems here.

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It's fairly easy to do actually.


If you have a look at the language files section in Tools in the admin side of the site then you can change the labels. If you just edit the create_account file then you can see quite easily where you need to change things to move bits around.


You can also turn certain bits off in the admin section of the site by looking at the Customer Details section.


I guess you're UK based and want to Anglicise it a bit.


I've edited things quite heavily but I'd be more than happy to e-mail you a copy of my file so that you can see what I've done.



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