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Multi-Stores Multiple Shops Support


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heyy can anyone please tell me if im running 2 stores on this contribution with same products on both sites .. and for example a customer purchases a bag from store 1 .. will it deduct the stock of that bag from store2 ??


please let me know


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I have three online stores configured with the multi-stores contribution. I have also installed paypal ipn v2.3.3 on each store. For store 1, the paypal ipn works as it should, however the transactions for stores 2 and 3 are not displaying in the order history section. When I log into store 1, under the same username, I can see my transactions from stores 2 and 3 in the order history section. I receive order confirmation emails okay, the download link is displayed (using the download controller module), but the order info is being transmitted to the wrong store. This only happens with paypal ipn. I also have paypal express checkout installed and this works fine.


Any ideas as to why this is happening?




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function tep_href_link($page = '', $parameters = '', $connection = 'NONSSL', $add_session_id = true, $search_engine_safe = true) {

global $request_type, $session_started, $SID;


add this


// set the type of request (secure or not)

$request_type = (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on') ? 'SSL' : 'NONSSL';



in includes/functions/html_output.php



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i was wondering.


in multishop you have who is online,. and i found some enhancements. what i cant find is a who is online that shows you in which storefront your visitor is currently.

i tried hacking the php file but simply entering stores_name in the query didnt work.


anyone got a quick fix or hack ?

Edited by Ripper
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Hi Stephanie. I would be very interested in seeing how you integrated M-S with MVS. I have the same situation. I am a dropshipper, and I want to create multiple income streams.

One potentially tricky thing is that I have BTS installed (basic templating system), so that adds another layer of complication. But I was able to integrate MVS with that.

So, any advice in combining M-S with MVS would be greatly appreciated!

And/or copies of files would be great. What would be the best way for me to get them??

My store is also heavily modified, so I can just do some diffs and hope for the best.


Thanks very much!


And, thanks so much to Hobzilla for what looks like a great contribution--exactly what I need!




hi...I know this is an old thread...but I did i just read that you intregrated bts with mvs? I like a copy of your files if you still have them. I am trying to do the same thing.



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Hi all,


I have 3 osc stores configured with the multi-stores contrib, so they share the same db. Users can log into any store using the same login info. The problem I'm having is that when I use Paypal IPN v2.3.3, the order history for stores 2 and 3 are only displayed in store 1, and the order number does not display on the checkout_success.php page. I get the confirmation emails okay. Strange thing is when I use Paypal Express Checkout, everything works correctly. My intent is to use Paypal IPN for credit card transactions and Paypal Express Checkout only for people with verified Paypal accounts.


Does anyone have a clue as to what I might have missed in the multi-stores installation? Perhaps there is some additional code that I need to add to the Paypal IPN mod. Any suggestion is appreciated.




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Just wondering if this contrib works with RC2a?


I tried copying the contrib files over a clean RC2a install and it gives me this error:

1054 - Unknown column 'id' in 'field list'

select id from administrators limit 1


Also when I ran the update for the database it said "The administrators table has been already created".


I really need this contrib to work as I have a client that needs to utilize two different stores using the same database just like what this contrib does.


Thank you for any help that you can give me.

- cody

Edited by cody.lundquist
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Hi all,


I have 3 osc stores configured with the multi-stores contrib, so they share the same db. Users can log into any store using the same login info. The problem I'm having is that when I use Paypal IPN v2.3.3, the order history for stores 2 and 3 are only displayed in store 1, and the order number does not display on the checkout_success.php page. I get the confirmation emails okay. Strange thing is when I use Paypal Express Checkout, everything works correctly. My intent is to use Paypal IPN for credit card transactions and Paypal Express Checkout only for people with verified Paypal accounts.


Does anyone have a clue as to what I might have missed in the multi-stores installation? Perhaps there is some additional code that I need to add to the Paypal IPN mod. Any suggestion is appreciated.




Two solutions:

1)For the three stores have three different IPN and let there update order query update the proper store ID.


The other opton is in the Post that goes to paypal send store ID.

On IPN it will be recd use it to update order table.



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I am considering using this mod, but I can't seem to find anyone that has a link to a live store using this contribution. Do you, or anyone else reading this, have a link to a live store that I can look at to be sure it will fit my client's needs?

Fell free to PM me with the url.



JMB Designs


Two solutions:

1)For the three stores have three different IPN and let there update order query update the proper store ID.


The other opton is in the Post that goes to paypal send store ID.

On IPN it will be recd use it to update order table.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I am considering using this mod, but I can't seem to find anyone that has a link to a live store using this contribution. Do you, or anyone else reading this, have a link to a live store that I can look at to be sure it will fit my client's needs?

Fell free to PM me with the url.



JMB Designs


I found this topic, 2 stores - 1 database - 1 shopping cart. in here, http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=270633


I paste the content here for easy read:


I have 2 oscommerce shops:

shop 1: Beauty Shop http://e-beau.us/

shop 2: Bath & Body http://e-beaushop.com/


These are my first 2 stores: They join in 1 database but each store sells different products,

I separated the products into two through query scripts. Both stores are managed from 1 admin and

1 store uses the other store's ssl. Customers + their shopping carts will be redirected from store 2 to store 1 in processing the purchase.


Actually I want to focus store 2 more to handcrafted beauty products, but I'm still looking for good

suppliers. I also wonder if I arrange my link program as one way out from one store and in to the other store,

will Google get upset about it? Would it be more recommendable to have another different store name (+permit + license+logo)?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.




I am not sure whether the above is using this addon. How can do this: shopping carts will be redirected from store 2 to store 1 in processing the purchase???

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Does somebody know as adapting this contribution, (multi-stores 2.0), to the version oscommerce-2.2rc2a? or does some other version exist of multi-stores adapted to this oscommerce version?


Thank you

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hi all,


I have been using the multistore feature for a while without problems...


until today.


I have been trying to add 1 new store. I get the dreaded

Warning: main(includes/languages/.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory


I know that I must go into admin/localization/lauguages to turn on english...the problem is when I go there is show no languages to select...


I am stumped...does anyone have a clue what I'm missing. It has been a while since I added to the list of store.


thanks in advance.



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  • 3 weeks later...

was wondering if there is an update being build for the multishop to work with the latest build or with the upcoming release.



i also run into 1 problem.

shop 1

shop 2

shop 3


they run on their own domain.

when i update order status and notify the customer they get a link from the admin domain that i was working in.

order placed on shop 1, update orderstatus to shipped and they get update and link from email adres (admin) shop 2.

very confusing from a customer point of view.


did i mis something or not ?


viva el guapo

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi osc forumers!


I have question about the contribution.


What about quantites (stock) of each products - when it is inserted by the general admin are the products quantites related in multiple stores?

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have join the oscommerce community few time ago. I'm using the Multi Store contrib and it is great. My current necessity is kind of different. I need one storefront, one admin panel, and one independent provider panel. I would like others stores to sell on just one place and with their provider panel manage their orders, customers, etc.


How difficult do you think the changes can be? I have started changing the admin/includes/orders.php and the order.php within the classes folder but I would really appreciate any hint from you.


Thanks in advance




Great Contribution...


I have implemented the Multi-store for my client site.


Store 1 is for selling merchandise such as T-shirts, pins and stuff, while the other (store 2) is being used for a "Registration" for events (No products being shipped, or sold). Customers simply use this to register for an event.


Both Stores use the same database but offer completly different looks and options. I have the choice to offer products in either or one of the stores. Both Stores have different configuratio files for emailing, shipping and payment options.


Great Job!


The stores are live, so PLEASE don't place any BOGUS orders, but if you care to see it work, and maybe give me some feedback....


The Merchandise Store (Store 1)

The Registration Store (Store2)

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I have a client that would like to list his 4 other stores on his site however, they won't be using the shopping cart. When someone clicks a link to the new store, it would take them to a page that displays the general contact info and a weekly special.


He would like it so the managers of each store would be able to login to the site with seperate userids/passwords and update their specials on their own.


Think this contribution could do the job?

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Hi All..


Is there a readme.txt file with this contribution that explains the full capacity of the add-on with all the updates that has been done?


Id like to know what are the features of this multi-store?

What are the limitations ?

What is the advantage of this?

and other information?


I think if we have this on the contribution, people would understand more what the add-on is all about and less questions might be avoided.


If someone knows all this info please post or PM me, in return I will put this in PDF and upload to the contribution so everyone can use it.



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  • 2 weeks later...



I just installed this and am getting the folowing error message

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/.asherah/spiritedshipper/spiritedshipper.com/shippernew/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Unable to connect to database server!


All the relevant info is in configure.php -- I copied all the info from my active configure.php and changed the relevant folder names. I've done this before as I'm running two stores on the same database in different folders.


Any ideas what the problem might be?



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I reinstalled the store and that fixed the problem.






I just installed this and am getting the folowing error message

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/.asherah/spiritedshipper/spiritedshipper.com/shippernew/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Unable to connect to database server!


All the relevant info is in configure.php -- I copied all the info from my active configure.php and changed the relevant folder names. I've done this before as I'm running two stores on the same database in different folders.


Any ideas what the problem might be?



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  • 1 month later...

can't edit products in admin - in categories.php, when I click on the little edit icon to the left of the product name, it takes me to this URL: /admin/categories.php?cPath=1_19&pID=436&action=new_product_preview&read=only and says only "This product was added to our catalog on ." - with no product information populated. I assume that this means that the product is somehow not tied to the active store or something, but I am at a loss for how to fix that.



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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm trying to setup this contribution and it seems to go okay.

However, i have this extended query that DOES do exactly what it should in phpmyadmin, but the same query does not give any results in my script.


Any idea what i am missing?


select p.products_id,
IF(s.status = '1' AND s.stores_id = '" . STORES_ID . "',
p.products_price) as products_price
left join " . TABLE_SPECIALS . " s on p.products_id = s.products_id 
and s.stores_id = '" . STORES_ID . "' 
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_STORES . " p2s ON p.products_id = p2s.products_id 
where p2s.stores_id = '" . STORES_ID . "' 
and p.products_id = pd.products_id 
and products_status = '1' 
AND pd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "'
order by p.products_date_added desc 

Edited by inveritas
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  • 2 weeks later...

HI All,


I have successfully installed this module and have been using it for a while. However, today I realised that if lets say admin1 selects store1 to administer in the configuration link, and another admin2 selects store2 on another machine, by default, admin1's session will also change to store2. So when admin1 tries to add any products, thinkin that he is adding to store1, he actually is adding them to store2.


Is there a way, that 2 admins can select 2 different stores on 2 different machines at the same time?

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Does anybody have a solution at hand for the fckeditor add-on that will use pictures from the selected shop?


I tried adding this line in




and then


// Path to user files relative to the document root.

$Config['UserFilesPath'] = DIR_FS_CATALOG.'/userfiles/' ;


// Attention: The above 'UserFilesPath' must point to the same directory.

$Config['UserFilesAbsolutePath'] = DIR_FS_CATALOG;

Edited by inveritas
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  • 2 weeks later...

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