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Multi-Stores Multiple Shops Support


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All is good , but when i define an administrator for http://localhost/bgl , he can't add new category of profuct or product if the administrator of http://localhost/os haven't define a category for http://localhost/bgl .


It is normal?


If you are creating additional administrator's you need to look into the distributor section. You should be able to tie categories and products to various distributors. Then if that admin is a member of that distributor, then they would be able to edit, create new, etc. However, if I remember correctly, no one but the main admin can add top level categories.



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(...I would want to insert the products and automatically it publishes to the catalog!)


Thanks for your help.


They should automatically be added to the store that you are administrating when you are creating them via the admin (this is not true for the default products auto-populated by the osCommerce installation itself. Only for new products you add yourself.

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Is there a way to hide child categories?


The reason I ask is... my product categories are setup like this for my multi-store instatllation of a band merchandise company...


MUSIC (category)

- Band 1 (child category)

- CD 1 (product)

- CD 2 (product)

- Band 2 (child category)

- CD 1 (product)

- CD 2 (product)



- Band 1

- T-shirt 1

- T-shirt 2

- Band 2

- T-shirt 1

- T-shirt 2


When I select MUSIC / Band 1 to display in Band 1's store, it displays the category (Music) and the child category (Band 1) in the store menu. Obviously, I don't want "Band 1" displayed since I'm in Band 1's store. I just want MUSIC displayed and to show all of Band 1's products.


Sorry for the terrible explanation!



There's probably an easy answer to this question >_< , so I was wondering if someone could give me some advice before I go in and start hacking code.



In this instance, it would be easier to just not create the child category structure you have setup. If you will never have Band2's CD's in Band 1's store.. You should create the categories as such:


MUSIC (category)

- CD 1 (all BAND#'s First CDs)

- CD 2 (all BAND#'s 2nd CDs)


You shouldn't use category structure to separate the various stores.. it may be easier for you to administer (ore at least look prettier -- but that is the beauty of assigning products to stores.


So, the short answer is unfortunately, "no"

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Great tip. Thanks a ton, Hobzilla!!!



In this instance, it would be easier to just not create the child category structure you have setup. If you will never have Band2's CD's in Band 1's store.. You should create the categories as such:


MUSIC (category)

- CD 1 (all BAND#'s First CDs)

- CD 2 (all BAND#'s 2nd CDs)


You shouldn't use category structure to separate the various stores.. it may be easier for you to administer (ore at least look prettier -- but that is the beauty of assigning products to stores.


So, the short answer is unfortunately, "no"

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They should automatically be added to the store that you are administrating when you are creating them via the admin (this is not true for the default products auto-populated by the osCommerce installation itself. Only for new products you add yourself.




Thank you. Now I have understood, but I have one shop catalog and Multi Vendor. I have resolved the problem with the following modifications:


- in admin/categories.php:


after the line:


tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_STORES . " (products_id, stores_id) values ('" . (int $products_id . "', '" . (int)$selected_store_id . "')");




tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_STORES . " (products_id, stores_id) values ('" . (int $products_id . "', '1')");



The modifications force the action of the STORE button....

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Thanks so much. Do all new contributions have to modified to work with the multi-store system (such as adding '.. where stores_id = ' . STORES_ID)? My auctionblox and easypopulate stopped working. I saw my last question in the FAQ :) , but I think this is important to address in there.


Just want to tell you again this is amazing work. I do anticipate with you on osCommerce's template system (if it'll ever come out). But perhaps we can integrate a template system in there in the meantime, such as assigning templates to stores?

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i think i may have gone wrong somewher,e have followed all the notes and help on here, yet my two stores (empty at present)





seem to be displaying the same products, no matter if i add a product to the 'free' store in the admin it will only show in the products set out in the 'catalog' folder. If there a file i need to edit?

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i think i may have gone wrong somewher,e have followed all the notes and help on here, yet my two stores (empty at present)





seem to be displaying the same products, no matter if i add a product to the 'free' store in the admin it will only show in the products set out in the 'catalog' folder. If there a file i need to edit?


Please double check that the configuration table definitions are correct. in database_tables.php

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I have updated both Easy Populate to version 2.79 found here:



and you can find Easy Populate for Multi-Stores on the M-S contrib download page here:



Edited by hobbzilla
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Hello Hobzilla or anyone wlse who can help me.


I have installed and runing multistores loaded version. All work great but I have problems with the checkout proccess. The problem is that when I make new customer and going to the checkout proccess the address dont display and when the order is complete the orders dont show up with name and addresses in admin so I dont know who to send to. I have installed the ms2.2 and the newest multi stores loaded nothing else. And I have imported my old customers db and added tables who is used for mutlistores.


I can seem to find out whats wrong. But u can try it on http://www.convoymail.no and make a new customer and try shop something. When you coming to the checkout confirmation you will see no address or name is displayed.


Hope you can give me a hint what to do. Kinda importatnt. :)

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Hello Hobzilla or anyone wlse who can help me.


I have installed and runing multistores loaded version. All work great but I have problems with the checkout proccess. The problem is that when I make new customer and going to the checkout proccess the address dont display and when the order is complete the orders dont show up with name and addresses in admin so I dont know who to send to. I have installed the ms2.2 and the newest multi stores loaded nothing else. And I have imported my old customers db and added tables who is used for mutlistores.


I can seem to find out whats wrong. But u can try it on http://www.convoymail.no and make a new customer and try shop something. When you coming to the checkout confirmation you will see no address or name is displayed.


Hope you can give me a hint what to do. Kinda importatnt. :)


Hey again. Sorry for all my spellerrors. :)


I just wanted to add that when I look in the db I can see that new customers dont get a "1" in the customers_default_address_id


Any sugestions how to work this out?

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Hey again. Sorry for all my spellerrors. :)


I just wanted to add that when I look in the db I can see that new customers dont get a "1" in the customers_default_address_id


Any sugestions how to work this out?


I have fixed this now. It was some errors in the db. And I cant delete my posts.


But I have one more problem I need to solve. When I add products to the shopingcart the total is showing 0kr.. I dont know why.

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Is it possible to assign group discounts. Such as all "wholesalers" are assigned 20% discount off prices.


This functionality is not currently built into the system. Since I require this functionality, it should be added to the code shortly.



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This functionality is not currently built into the system. Since I require this functionality, it should be added to the code shortly.



Would it also be possible to add 20% instead of deduct?


// Fredrik

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We are urrently integrating Multi-Stores into our existing shop and I am trying to figure out all of it's functions. I have not yet been able to deduce what "Products Price Schedules" does. Help! :o)


We are using v1.7.

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@ redrum: I will try and keep that in mind when I make the adjustments to the group price schedules to be able to support % off discounts % increases... however, please note, if I remember correctly, the price schedule's does not allow for group based prices to be higher than what is set in the products list.


@ graylion: Price schedules allows you to have quantiy & group based pricing per product. I.e. LIST price in the product is $100. Price schedules says that wholesalers pay only $90. However if they order 20+ they pay $80, 30+.. $70, etc. etc.


and the banner manager is stock oscommerce. You will need to read the oscommerce documentation for a full explanation of that function. But yes you are pretty much correct in your assumption - but nothing states you can't have your own banners and use the reporting for internal tracking..

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Ryan, when you're going to inplant group discounts, will you use an existing contribution or will you do something new from scratch?


Will it be based on the on price schedule from the loaded version?

If it will be, I'm happy to give you some feedback regarding the layout (if you dont already know how you want it to be).


// Fredrik

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The implementation plan is to take stock 2.2MS2 and overwrite all files in the contribution. So now you have an updated catalog & updated admin.


Simply take the updated catalog and copy it. Move it to another domain account or rename it if you are planing on using it on the same server


for example if you are using this to accomplish a distributor separation such as http://domain.com/europe http://domain.com/usa


You set the STORE_ID in each stores configuration table (you can open catalog/install/oscommerce.sql and copy the all the INSTALL INTO configuration and modify configuration to europe_configuration, etc. etc.)


i.e. europe_configuration, usa_configuration


The STORE_ID is not stored in TABLE_STORES, it is stored in the configuration table for the store in question. This is important. This is what allows you to have different shipping/payment options for each store.


Also of note is that the stores_url is currently not being used for and is for future use.


This contribution doesn't solve the problem of multiple sites the maintenence that ensues. That is where the planned template system comes in.






HI! I got the second store semi working, but Ive just figured out whats going on. I have fantasico, it automatically installs software for me. There for I have no install file in my catalog. Ive got everything up and running but I wonder how to get around this. i realize its as easy as downloading and using just the install file but I wanted some feedback. Please tell me exactly where the install file is maybe Im missing it or maybe I dont have one. i don't think i do. I followed your directions exactly. And now its making more sense why I'm having probs. Does any one have just the install config source code so I don't have to download the entire file?Tell me what you think hob

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Hi HobbZilla,


I didn't install your contibution yet in fact

I want to know if your contribution does the following:


Does it provide each store the ability to manage their products/prices/shipments/fulfillment seperatly.

What I mean is that I have thousands of shops registered into one web site and each shop has a folder example: www.domainame.com/shop1 , would it be possible that each shop displays their products

and manage products/customers/orders.... seperatly?


Thank you for your time.

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Hi HobbZilla,


I didn't install your contibution yet in fact

I want to know if your contribution does the following:


Does it provide each store the ability to manage their products/prices/shipments/fulfillment seperatly.

What I mean is that I have thousands of shops registered into one web site and each shop has a folder example: www.domainame.com/shop1 , would it be possible that each shop displays their products

and manage products/customers/orders.... seperatly?


Thank you for your time.


Yes, I guess. I don't know if I would run a "thousand" of anything off of a single installation of oscommerce... with or without the M-S added..

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HI! I got the second store semi working, but Ive just figured out whats going on. I have fantasico, it automatically installs software for me. There for I have no install file in my catalog. Ive got everything up and running but I wonder how to get around this. i realize its as easy as downloading and using just the install file but I wanted some feedback. Please tell me exactly where the install file is maybe Im missing it or maybe I dont have one. i don't think i do. I followed your directions exactly. And now its making more sense why I'm having probs. Does any one have just the install config source code so I don't have to download the entire file?Tell me what you think hob


I am not familiar with fantastico.. I am under the assumption it is used by your hosting provider to offer preinstallation services, one of which is oscommerce. If that is the case, you will need to install the M-S contrib on top of your oscommerce installation. The install file is in the multi-stores_v#_# folder. It should be an html file for your viewing pleasure.

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