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Critique my site (with suggestions)


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:D You have a footer problem on your page.


The footer appears to go into the left hand column.


Try searching for footer in column error in the search forums.





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I'd like to see the cart reflect your main page more. As it is, it gives a feeling of a different site when going from the main page to the cart. Also, since you don't have very many infoboxes and your product list only consists of one category, you could probably shift all the infoboxes to the left column (again, reflecting your main page a bit more). Another thing might be to change the "New products for" box at the bottom and just have it generally display your entire product list (renaming it to "Product List" or somesuch). Something else I noticed is that your product images are all small, making the "click to enlarge" useless. You might want to either remove the "click to enlarge" link or use one of the thumbnail contributions to generate thumbnails for the fullsize images.


And lastly, as mentioned before, your footer is falling into the righthand column at times.

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Thank you for all of the feedback. I have had a very difficult time moving forward with adjusting the layout of osCommerce. I may need to buy a php book. I have tried the BTS contribution, but even with that, I change the layout and nothing changes in the page layout. Perhaps there is an issue with using GoLive as my html editor for that contribution. Your comments are all perfect. I am just now starting to get the basics of how the community laid it out, but most of the time I'm like :( -Mark

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Thanks to some great input from Gaia, I have begun updating the layout. I am creating a new "pharmacy" site parallel to the one that is linked to my site. When it is finished, I will link to the new one. If anyone has any comments as I move forward, or has suggestions as it is put up, feel free to let me know. As of now, I have only really begun working on the index.php page. The link to the newer site is: New Site to Replace Old

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I agree. The main page looks great (except for the ugly osCommerce button). The store itself is a standard install. If you can take the look of the main page and apply it to the store you will have a nice looking site.

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There are enough changes that you should add Changes Copyright SkyeHerbals.com to the footer (you don't need to remove anything, just add; certain parts are still copyright osCommerce)...as stands, you are saying that osCommerce owns the copyright on your modifications.


You may also be experiencing this bug on your login page (footer malformed in my browser).


I agree...this install is a good example of how making a few changes can distinguish your site from the base look. Still more to do (legacy gray to replace, new buttons, and more table_background_*.gif files), but a nice and different look.




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If any .php heads come across this, my site was having the problem with the footer coming up into the column. I added the </table>. After a few easy adjustments I got it to match up, but now there is a white border at the bottom of the screen. Anybody got an idea? I am using Center Shop contribution to get the background color. I would have used .htaccess to correct the column problem, but I don't have it at my root oscommerce level, and just downloaded a new copy of oscommerce, but can't seem to find it in the root there either. I could take out the </table> and use .htaccess if anybody can point me to a fresh copy. (couldn't find it in the forums, but with my experience thus far I will find it right after I post this post making me look. . . :huh: -Mark

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I have a hunch that there your empty line might be caused by mismatched table declarations in the code. It would probably be easier to look at the html of one of your pages than to try and figure it by looking at the php code. I could be wrong, but that's probably where I'd start looking. An example of what I'm referring can be seen from a snippet of your index page:

<!-- header //-->
   <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="669999">
   <table CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" BORDER="0" width="757" align="center" BGCOLOR="FFFFFF">

     <tr><td BGColor="FFFFFF">

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
 <tr class="header">
   <td align="right"><a href="http://www.skyeherbals.com" target="_blank"><img src="images/Skye_Website_Banner.gif" border="0" alt="Welcome to Skye Herbals Milk Thistle Pharmacy" title=" Welcome to Skye Herbals Milk Thistle Pharmacy " width="755" height="100"></a><br></td>


There is a <TR><TD> set missing after one of the table declarations in the code above (about the center of that snippet). Either that or the table declaration is duplicated, I'm not sure. There might be a few small miscodes like that that are causing the blank line. Once you narrow down where in the html the problem is, you will know what portion of php to look at. You can save a copy of the html source of one of your pages and edit that directly (as pure html) instead of fighting with the php code.


As for your mentioning of .htaccess, are you meaning stylesheet.css? the .htaccess file does not affect the rendering of the cart, just the accessibility of it.


Anyway, hopefully that'll help and I don't throw you on a wild goosechase.


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OK, I think that about has it. There is still a little white at the bottom, but I pushed it down out of the way.


I still have "info box" corners on the title of the New Items box Header at the bottom of index.php page (and I can't find where to change the text header content either). Everything about the "new items" box in the center of the body is hard to find in the layout of Osc. I am going to stop searching unless someone has a quick link to info.


If anyone has any functional or design additions they think would be good, I still want to continue refining. -Mark

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the code for that is somewhere in \classes\boxes.php I believe.


But anyhow, for future reference.. you can just make an image the same color as your background and overwrite the current image :)


Also I would remove the Hits and Date in your footer. No one cares about that stuff. Replace it with links to your shipping, contact, privacy, and terms pages.


You can remove the "Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account?" Since you show it on the left column.


And like others say "This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 02 December, 2003." you can get rid of that.. no one cares.


And finally, you have alot of empty space below your footer.

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I think that I have corrected and taken into account all suggestions so far except:

Also I would remove the Hits and Date in your footer. No one cares about that stuff. Replace it with links to your shipping, contact, privacy, and terms pages.


I left the date and number of requests in the footer, I kind of like it there. But I get your point and may change it over later. Part of me thinks that customers having the "number of requests since given date" in the footer might actually provide some comfort and increase sales retention. Has any one done any research on this?


Otherwise, the white box at the bottom of the page was being caused by a <br> at the bottom of each root level .php page. You can find it after the call for the end of the footer. I simply erased them all, and the little box went away.


Does anyone have any other critiques or ideas for improving the site? I want it to be the best that it can be.

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I like the site.... but i would also change the osc core buttons.... make you own it would make your site 1000% nicer.... really.... looks as if you spent some time on the site... spend a tad extra a make the buttons unique....

bot overall you got a nice site. just make the small changes

<span style='font-family:Courier'>If you can't fix it Perl it!!!...</span>


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  • 3 weeks later...

Update: I have started changing the buttons, but am not happy with the two that I have re-done. They are on my home page and on the index.php loginbox. Anybody have any ideas for these buttons, I have designers block.


OK: The real Question: Can anyone figure out why my site is not being indexed by google? I have tried everything that I can and read most of the threads. The search engine friendly links in the admin tool did not work for me and made my whole site go down. But beyond that, only the first page in my site at the root level is being indexed let alone OSC. I can't figure it out. could the spiders be getting caught in OSC, and then give up on my site due to too many "bad links?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Frustrated! How do I find the locations for where osC is assigning the image boxes at the side of the "New Products" header. I have looked everywhere. I re-named the text on my site there: "Skye Herbals Product List" if you happen to see what I am talking about on my site. I tried changing the .gif to white, but unfortunately the same picture is used on ALL info boxes which then reverses the problem and has me with white boxes in my control bar to the left. Any ideas? After this, my site is almost done with the make over.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got it. That wasn't too bad. Thanks for all of the help. My site is up and running. I have the web safe links running and google just crawled EVERY page including some that I didn't even know I had. Thanks for all of the help you guys. Any more feedback or suggestions?

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