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The e-commerce.

Just 2 questions


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So far I've been able to change alot of the OSC without knowing PHP :). However, now I need some help.


1st problem: (shipping). Let's say for example that a person lives in New York and the cost is going to cost him for shipping is going to be $7.50. However, another person lives in Texas and the cost of shipping for him is going to be $10.00. What files do I need to change?


2nd problem: (shipping). Let's say on one item I would like to offer different methods of doing it, and yet on another item, only 1 way. Is there away of doing that?


3nd Problem: (Database). Instead of going through OSC's product installer, is there away to just upload a database (using excel)? If so, how do you do it?

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3nd Problem: (Database). Instead of going through OSC's product installer, is there away to just upload a database (using excel)? If so, how do you do it?


You can use these contributions for the above quoted problem:






I am sure there would be some way by which we can upoad by the manage My SQL, from the Cpanel. I would appriciate if any one can tell if there is another way to upload many products without using the "Easy Populate" contribution.

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easy populate does it for you fairly easily, another way is using odbc and connecting then sending the info up, however you still need to know what you are sending up there.

you can also create your own sql query to send the info up from a csv file.

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