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Image Size Clarification


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The three types image types you'll see are;


Small Image - is the thumbnail image listed along with your product when your customer shops. This is also the one appears on the right hand top corner when the customer clicks on the product. Ie: Top ? Catalog ? Laptops ? Compaq Laptops

on the Compaq page, you'll see these images alone with the product title description.



Heading Image- is the one appears the on top right hand corner when you click on the main product from the main page - the manufacturer page. This is the one also displayed when you click on the a specific manufacturer, and when the products are listed, this will be on top right hand corner. Ie: Top ? Catalog ? Laptops ? Compaq Laptops On the compaq page with the listing of compaq products, compaq logo will be displayed on the top right hand corner. This is it!


Subcategory Image - is the manufacturer image you will when you're on

Top ? Catalog ? Laptops ?



Make sure to use Photoshop or other image editing sw to resize the images to the specified WxH for the above mentioned image types to avoid saw tooth at the edge of the images.


Please feel free to add or correct any mistakes to this posting.




XOR Solutions Canada

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