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mandatory fields


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change the part of the code that relates to the field where it states true make this false

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Glad to see you back Patrick and as ever correct.


Reffael, apply what moonstone as said but, if the field you wish to change is not listed then apply what I have said.

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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Yup, like what I've said, some (but not all) of the required fields can be switch on/off at the osCommerce Admin.


And like what Steve has mentioned :lol: , for those not listed, you will have to make changes to the codes. Do take note however, that you will need to make changes to three php files: catalog/create_account.php, catalog/account_edit.php, and catalog/admin/customers.php. Otherwise, your customer may be asked for the fields you commented out when editing their account, or you may be asked for those info when you edit their account.

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Do you mean to make the gender field a requirement i.e required


or as an optional field in that you can fill in if you want? i.e not required


but still have the field available.

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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If I get you right, you want the gender field to appear when creating a new account but do not want it to be a required field. In that case, open up catalog/create_account.php, and look for the following lines around lines 60 - 66:


if (ACCOUNT_GENDER == 'true') {

if ( ($gender != 'm') && ($gender != 'f') ) {

$error = true;


$messageStack->add('create_account', ENTRY_GENDER_ERROR);




Comment out or remove the above lines and that should be it. Please let me know if this is what you want.

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