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The e-commerce.

add www


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I also want to do the same, to add www. Can any one tell how can we add the www to the link at "TOP" at the top of the page.


For information, in search engines www.donain.com and only domain.com are treeted as two different pages. It is always recomended to use only one of them as far as possible. If we use both of them then the links to our sites are devided into two, hence our ranking will fall. Otherwise as customer point of view, in both cases same page will open... B)


I hope I am correct.

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I think this is a www server config issue.


Your store can be just about anything you want at your 'domain.com', depending on how you're registered (with internic) and how you configure your server or how your hosting isp configures it for you. It does not have anything to do with OSC.


If you're running your own server, and it's Apache, I can help you with the config. Maybe someone else here can help wit IIS. If you're using a hosting isp, check with them.


Rick Knight

([email protected])


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