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Strange problems ... again :-(


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Hi all,


It seems like I only ever post here when I have a problem. Sorry about that ... maybe 1 day I'll be more proficient and be able to help others :unsure:


I have a couple of issues today that I need help understanding/fixing.

My shop is at https://www.supportivepc.com/catalog


Firstly, when users go to that page, they get the dialog box notifying them it's a secure page and do they wish to continue. But clicking OK (or closing it) doesn't work. The dialog box seems to come up about 15-20 times all on top of one another! Then when you finally get rid of it, the page loads without styles etc (very ugly!). But refreshing the screen then fixes the formatting at least.


Secondly, opening the admin page works fine, but in each box on the /catalog/admin/index.php page has variable names showing rather than the ata for those variables. E.g. a box titled "BOX_TITLE_ORDERS", containing three rows, "BOX_ENTRY_CUSTOMERS 3", "BOX_ENTRY_PRODUCTS 73" & "BOX_ENTRY_REVIEWS 0"


Ummm ... help?? :(

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Your SSL is working nicely - you should not go to the Secure catalog initially - your proper website URL is http://www.supportivepc.com/catalog. I just successfully registered and place a test order. SSL worked just fine for login/registration and checkout - this is all you need SSL for in the catalog.


You are missing admin/includes/languages/english/index.php - or the file is corrupt



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  • 2 weeks later...
Your SSL is working nicely - you should not go to the Secure catalog initially - your proper website URL is http://www.supportivepc.com/catalog. I just successfully registered and place a test order. SSL worked just fine for login/registration and checkout - this is all you need SSL for in the catalog.


You are missing admin/includes/languages/english/index.php - or the file is corrupt



Hi Matti,


Thanks again for your time, and sorry for not responding for ANOTHER 2 weeks :)


I understood what you said about the SSL issue, and so that is sorted out now. :D


But the other issue I'm not so sure about. :unsure: I've looked at the file you mention and it seems pretty straightforward, and I can't see any problems. Mind you that doesn't mean a whole lot ;)


Here is the contents of the file, in case you can see something I can't:

 $Id: index.php,v 1.2 2002/03/30 11:10:39 hpdl Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2002 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Choose an action..');

define('BOX_TITLE_ORDERS', 'Orders');
define('BOX_TITLE_STATISTICS', 'Statistics');

define('BOX_ENTRY_SUPPORT_SITE', 'Support Site');
define('BOX_ENTRY_SUPPORT_FORUMS', 'Support Forums');
define('BOX_ENTRY_MAILING_LISTS', 'Mailing Lists');
define('BOX_ENTRY_BUG_REPORTS', 'Bug Reports');
define('BOX_ENTRY_FAQ', 'FAQ');
define('BOX_ENTRY_LIVE_DISCUSSIONS', 'Live Discussions');
define('BOX_ENTRY_CVS_REPOSITORY', 'CVS Repository');
define('BOX_ENTRY_INFORMATION_PORTAL', 'Information Portal');

define('BOX_ENTRY_CUSTOMERS', 'Customers:');
define('BOX_ENTRY_PRODUCTS', 'Products:');
define('BOX_ENTRY_REVIEWS', 'Reviews:');

define('BOX_CONNECTION_PROTECTED', 'You are protected by a %s secure SSL connection.');
define('BOX_CONNECTION_UNPROTECTED', 'You are <font color="#ff0000">not</font> protected by a secure SSL connection.');
define('BOX_CONNECTION_UNKNOWN', 'unknown');

define('CATALOG_CONTENTS', 'Contents');

define('REPORTS_PRODUCTS', 'Products');
define('REPORTS_ORDERS', 'Orders');

define('TOOLS_BACKUP', 'Backup');
define('TOOLS_BANNERS', 'Banners');
define('TOOLS_FILES', 'Files');


ANy ideas? :rolleyes: Thanks (again)

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Actually, you would get an error if the file was missing.... I musta been tired and zoning out.... :blink:


Did you edit the languages query from admin/index.php?


 ?$languages = tep_get_languages();
?$languages_array = array();
?$languages_selected = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
?for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($languages); $i < $n; $i++) {
? ?$languages_array[] = array('id' => $languages[$i]['code'],
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 'text' => $languages[$i]['name']);
? ?if ($languages[$i]['directory'] == $language) {
? ? ?$languages_selected = $languages[$i]['code'];
? ?}


Also, you must have english set as your default language (DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, 'en' in the configuration table of your db).


You should comment the call to the languages box in your catalog/includes/column_right.php - no need for it with only one language :P



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks again Matti. I didn't know you'd replied (relying on those thread subscription emails that sometimes don't come - oops!).


The section you quoted from admin/index.php is identical to what I have.

English is set as default.

And I assume commenting is the same as in HTML (like this):

  if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 8) != 'checkout') {
<!--     include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'languages.php'); -->
   include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'currencies.php');


So no real solution to this silly admin page problem. Just so you know for sure what I'm describing, here's a screenshot. Any further ideas would be great. Thanks again :) :rolleyes:


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