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Flat Shipping Out of the Country


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These are the only instructions that came with this contribution. Has anyone ever installed this contribution? If so, maybe you can elaborate because these instructions are not very detailed as you can see.



What to do

copy files icluded in catalog_add in you local catalog directory

go to your admin / modules / shipping and enable Zone International and set you's value

entry are made as for shipping module zones.



"in you local catalog directory go to your admin / modules / shipping" I don't see this string on my local directory and since these are the only directions I'm now STUCK.

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I see what it is. It was designed to be installed on a fresh install. You can examine the files and find the differences between your exisiting files and the ones included and make those changes to yours. Sorry, it worked for me but might be quite a pain for you.

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BTW I'm running osCommerce 2.2-MS1


Well this is what I'm dealing with. In this contribution in gives me a includes folder with 2 folders: languages & modules.


The languages folder has 4 languages folders: english, espanol, french & german.


The modules folder gives me a shipping folder with a zoneword.php file


My question is which zoneworld.php file should I use (preferably englsh)?


And where is this directory admin / modules / shipping located on my server?


On my server the only modules directory I could find was:



In the modules directory gives me 2 folders CVS & newsletters nothing resembling any where to place a shipping module.


I hope this information helps in helping me. THANKS...

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Here are the files I have:

zones.php in admin>

zones.php in admin>includes>languages>english>

zonesworld.php in catalog>includes>modules>shipping

zonesworld.php in catalog>includes>languages>english>modules>shipping


Hope this helps :-)

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Ok I think I got it! Sorry for all the necessary breakdown but I'm more on the design side but hey we all got to do what we have to do to earn cashola.




zones.php in admin>

zones.php in admin>includes>languages>english>

The above two files I found just as you have stringed above. Leave these alone. Right?



Now the 2 files below do not exsist

zonesworld.php in catalog>includes>modules>shipping

zonesworld.php in catalog>includes>languages>english>modules>shipping


These are the only 2 files I have to upload to the server. Correct? I assume it's that easy then just go to my admin and set active to create another flat shipping rate for outside the U.S. orders. Do I have this correct?




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  • 1 month later...


You should have read the install file .....

and post request in the main thread for zoneworld that is now :


OSC. Forum Main Thread :



as said in install, you only need to copy files from catalog_add in you main catalog directory. if you use only one language copy only the needed language file


but it sems to work now.... :)

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