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Heading & Image [Top left] - Where Do I Change?


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Can someone please point me in the right direction. I need to know where to modify the top part of the section ABOVE where it says "Welcome back ........... Would you like to ...." I want to change the text and remove the image that displays to the right of the heading. (What is that section called - I have searched this forum and the documentation but seem to be missing it!).


Thanks a lot.


Chief Cook and Bottlewasher


Running 2.2MS2


you just need to do a text search and you will be able to find out what text resides in which file. For the images, find out the filename and do a text search as well. You will be able to easily track back to the relevant codes to be modified.


Ok, to help you out a little, the "Welcome back ........... Would you like to ...." can be found in catalog/includes/english/index.php under TEXT_MAIN.


As for the image to the right of the heading, it is known as table_background_default.gif in catalog/index.php. Do a search and you will find it. However, do take note that all these images are hard coded, and if you want to remove them all, you will have to get rid of similar codes in the rest of the php files in catalog directory.


Thanks for your help. I will check it out later. Have other problems now! Will post a new topic.


Chief Cook and Bottlewasher


Running 2.2MS2


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