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order confirmation doesn't work


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I have installed Os commerce with a contribution for payement with Postfinance (swiss post) but when I complete the transaction, it does not update the order and there is no confirmation mail... As far as I understood the post finance should send back a value but don't know what kind of... can somebody tell me what value Postfinance should send back... cartID, SessionID or what ever? <_<

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I have the same problem - I am using WorldPay - which works fine .. but I cannot get any confirmation emails sent to me.


Under CONFIGURATION I have set EMAIL OPTIONS - Send Emails to TRUE


and under SEND EXTRA ORDER EMAILS TO - I have put my email address and one other


but this still does not work - can anyone please help me!?

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In Worldpay Administration Server, select your Installation ID configuration options and make sure:


Callback URL has the following entry: http://<wpdisplay item="MC_callback">

Callback enabled? ticked

Use Callback response? ticked



Postfinance (swiss post) On previous Worldpay versions you have to upload two files to the Worldpay server to handle payment failure and success, resultC.html and resultY.html - maybe Postfinance needs similar files.


In both cases, the files update the shopping cart after payment and complete the process. If not the items could be paid for but still remain in the cart!


Hope it helps



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  • 2 weeks later...

You are Right Penge, it works almost like Worldpay but tu configurate the callback url you have only to add values so what I need to know is what value might update checkout_success in order to update my cart... this value is send by Swisspost when the transaction is done...

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  • 2 months later...



i have almost the same problem,

after I do the payment and turn back to the shop

the shopping cart is not empty as like as the customer haven't completled the order,

but I receive the confirmation E-Mail from the Swiss-Post like this:



TransactionID: 2684





xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx

email xxxxxxxxxx



Payment method: PostFinance Debit Direct


Value: CHF

Total: 999.00



NOTE: the Transaction ID =2684 mean that the payment is succesfully.


Cheers :rolleyes:

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