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MAP Workaround - Click For Price version 1.0


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Click For Price version 1.0 has been released and is available for download in the contributions section here.


Click For Price is for those who have advertising restrictions placed on them by manufacturers. Many manufacturers these days define a "Minimum Advertised Price" for their products, refusing to let retailers advertise lower prices. Click For Price inserts an extra field into your product's information for that MAP. If your sale price is below the MAP, osC will display a link to an automated system that sends an instant price quote to the customer via email.


Additional features:


Updates on the fly - when your prices change, product displays will change accordingly. No need to check regulations for every sale!


Basic package includes code for the "new products" module, "what's new" box, "specials" box and general product listing.


Setting MAP to 0 for products without MAP restrictions will always show price for those products.


Keeps prices intact for checkout.


See this contribution in action at Luc's Music - check out the D'Addario strings.


Please address all questions to this thread.

Edited by Luc's Music
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In the Add Product screen there will be a place to define your MAP, right under the prices. When Price is less than MAP, the product will have the "Click For Price" link. When Price is greater than or equal to MAP, the price will be displayed as normal. This is checked every time the product is displayed, so if your price is changed the display will change automatically.

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This is huge! Going to be installing this asap and will get back to you :) One question, instead of e-mailing the price to someone could the link say open a new window with the product and have an input box next to the item that the user could enter a theoretical purchase price. The system can then check against the DB and if equasl to or greater allow the purchase.


Just thought an interactive interface might make it more fun for the user possibly?


Thoughts, suggestions?


Thanx again!!!

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Ok installed and seems to be fine :) Thank you for the clear easy to understand directions. It is a blessing when you include the maual directions as well as files!!!


Anyways just a quick note to make sure I am understanding this 100%


Products Price (Net): - This would be MSRP

Products Price (Gross): - This would be the calculated MSRP + tax

MAP - enter 0 if none - MAP


Now the purchase price would go where

In the specials section?

In Product Price (Net)?

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hmm...I think the interactive feature is something I'll have to work on another day. It could be done, fairly simple I think.


To clarify, in the "add product" or "update product" screen -


"Price (net)" is the sale price of the product, before tax.

"Price (gross)" is the price the customer pays for the product, after tax. This will be calculated for you.

"MAP" is the minimum advertised price, specified by your vendor. If this particular product has no MAP, enter 0.


Each time a product is displayed, "price" is compared to "MAP." If "price" is higher, it is displayed as normal. If "MAP" is higher, the "Click For Price" is displayed.


Now then, the specials box. I don't use this box on my site, so I haven't really tested it. I checked it on my dev site and found a bug that I need to fix. Here's what should happen:


1. If "price" and "special price" are both higher than "MAP," both are displayed as normal.


2. If "price" is above "MAP" but "special price" is below, then "price" should be displayed with strikethrough and the link should be displayed below it.


3. If both are below MAP, only the link should be displayed.


Currently 1 and 3 are functional. I'm working on 2, hopefully I should have another package put up in a few minutes.


As for you error, make sure you've put the right numbers in the right places. If you still get that error I'll look into it.

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Ok double checked my pricing and there is definatly something wrong..


I have 239.9500 in Products Price (Net):

254.347 in Products Price (Gross): as it is a taxable item.


If I enter a MAP of 339.00

I get an e-mail of:


Our low price is only:



Also seems we can not do what this contribution does with a few of the vendors we use as they do not allow any advertising reguardless of method used so I would be extremely interested to have the interactive method described above created. Feel free to IM me if you have any questions.



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Are you running a special on this item? I believe the email should send the "special" price, not the net price if that is the case. I'll look into it this afternoon, I have other bugs to fix regarding specials anyway.

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What we were/are doing previous to your release of this contribution was to use the product screen to enter MSRP and the specials section to enter MAP. What your contribution does is exactly what we wanted to do less the interactive interface (vendors are extemely picky and have no problems suspending our accounts for 30 days or more if they pick up on a MAP violation)


So basicaly those are the 2 fields populated at the moment. I have no idea where or how the number being sent to the end user is being generated.


Maybe we can have both options interactive & e-mail down the road with the ability to turn them on or off with radio buttons on the product screen? Dunno, just throwing ideas out for now.


Thanx for your prompy reply :)

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A new version was uploaded today. I fixed bugs related to special prices.

Now in all areas of the site (I think) including product listings by category, search listings, product info screens, "what's new" and "specials" boxes and the "new products" on the main screen, three different things can happen.


1. Product's price (or special price) is above MAP.

Price is listed as normal.


2. Product's original price is above MAP, but special price is below.

Original price is listed with strikethrough, "click for price" link is displayed for special price.


3. Both prices are below MAP -

"Click for price" link is displayed.


When I tested on my server, the price that was emailed to me was the "special" price - that may explain what is going on with Quicksi's store.


www.lucsmusic.com is running an old version - check out my development site at:http://www.lucsmusic.com/subdomains/development/ to see the latest.

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I keep finding more places where the product's price is displayed...

Anyway, I just uploaded yet another package (that's four in three days...) that includes support for products_new.php and fixes a bug in the "What's New" box. All should be functional now, please let me know if you find any more bugs!

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Ah, Monday morning... Will re-install and see how things go. Any chance while this contribution is being written/re-written that you can note the changes in the install.txt file so updates can be done easily and quickly?


Thanx again and hope you had a nice weekend...

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In your newer version the following files have changed but was not noted in the install.txt file:





This was the only file noted to have changed:

catalog/advanced_search_result.php <-new for version 1.1


Just trying to make it easier for others to install/upgrade :)


Anyways just updated so it is off for testing. Thanx again for the updates!


Any idea if you would consider the interactive approach I mentioned earlier? Unfortunatly some of our distributers still consider this advertising as although it is not displayed it is still being generated by us. Sigh...

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I'll make those changes to the install file and post it.


If you would like to have the interactive system you've described, you're welcome to make a donation to support the development. You can decide what it's worth to you and send some funds via PayPal to [email protected]

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I dont understand what file this is or how to do it...


"click_for_price.sql - sql query, run through PHPMyAdmin


or, just copy and paste the following into phpmyadmin - it's only one line




ALTER TABLE `products` ADD `products_map` DECIMAL DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ; "


I am running 2.2-MS2

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Hello i'm trying to install te script, trying to figure it out for 4 hours now but can't get it working the way it should. Everything seems to work now, except that when i click on the click for special price link i get this:


Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/call_for_price.php on line 108



Can't find what it is. could it be that i forgot to change something in the code? I had to change everything manual since it was an existing site.


other thing was that i couldn't find this in the categories.php, but well rest sems to work. think that this doesnt really matter.


if ($action == 'new_product') {

$parameters = array('products_name' => '',

'products_description' => '',

'products_url' => '',

'products_id' => '',

'products_quantity' => '',

'products_model' => '',

'products_image' => '',

'products_price' => '',

'products_weight' => '',

'products_date_added' => '',

'products_last_modified' => '',

'products_date_available' => '',

'products_status' => '',

'products_tax_class_id' => '',

'manufacturers_id' => '',

'products_map' => '');

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Actually, that matters a lot. Without that in there the MAP won't insert into the database correctly.


Can you post a URL to your site? I'll be glad to check it out for you. It's entirely possible that I forgot something in the install manual.


Tuan Le, no there haven't been any updates lately...but if this turns out to be a problem in the install file there will be very soon.

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