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problems with - Purchase Without Account HELP!


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hi guys im really in need of some help with this contrib please..

i want to basically install the ebay manual process contrib but before i can do that i need to do this....

i have installed in and made the modifications necessary and added the configuration file to my database, www.cheapsimcards.net right when you goto check out nothing happy??? btw ive just reinstalled a fresh copy of oscommerce cause the other one went t1ts up :) i would really appreciate help on this as i really need this to work to make life so much easier with ebay auctions.


oh in the install file it says this:



Database changes new as of v0.57


INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (40, 'Accounts', 'Configuration of Account settings', 40, 1);


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Purchase Without Account', 'PWA_ON', 'true', 'Allow Customers to purchase without an account', 40, 1, '2003-04-08 13:07:44', '2003-04-08 12:10:51', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');



is there something i actually need to do here? or is it just saying that the new version has had some database modifications.






using contrib PWA_0.60c

osc ver: 2.2


did you install those database changes in mysql?? from the sounds of it no.


you have to run a sql query for

INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (40, 'Accounts', 'Configuration of Account settings', 40, 1);

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Purchase Without Account', 'PWA_ON', 'true', 'Allow Customers to purchase without an account', 40, 1, '2003-04-08 13:07:44', '2003-04-08 12:10:51', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');


after you do that, it should work.


i've never actually done this before, but i have seen several like it.


take this code:



echo "creating new tables...";

$sql = "INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES (40, 'Accounts', 'Configuration of Account settings', 40, 1)";

$sql = "INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Purchase Without Account', 'PWA_ON', 'true', 'Allow Customers to purchase without an account', 40, 1, '2003-04-08 13:07:44', '2003-04-08 12:10:51', NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),')";

function QueryResult($qStr) {
$retArr = array();

$qResult = tep_db_query($qStr);
while($rec = tep_db_fetch_array($qResult)) {
 $retArr[] = $rec;
return $retArr;



and save it into a file called bob.php


then upload the file into your catalog/admin/ dir


then open your browser and goto http://www.yourdomain.com/catalog/admin/bob.php


this should take care of th sql for you.


hi there, thank you for your reply, i did that and it said creating tables, however the same problem is still occuring im getting an error page on checkout :(


i am not very familiar with the contribution you are trying to use.


i would suggest looking in the contribution support forum.


there is definately somebody there that can help you.


thank you for your help jason....



If anyone can spare the time to help me complete this in order for me to get my site up and running i would be eternally grateful.... can anyone help if i pay? i presume if cant take to long and maybe i overlooked something?



Thank you




hi again jason,


when i goto checkout i get a PAGE NOT FOUND.... http://www.cheapsimcards.net/catalog/checkout_shipping.php


i did get a PM off someone as i was willing to pay and he said there was a bug in the script you gave but didnt say what was wrong with it... im gonna try to see what i can do with the database to make the necessary changes but i dont think this is the error, it just doesnt get past the checkout part and ive not amended anything else accept add this script.


anyone who can help, i would be eternally grateful.




ok just having a look at the database and took some screen grabs, database 1 below is when i go into configuration group as the readme states...


database 2 is what is seen when i click on SQL tab at the top.... now do i just paste all the text in my first post to run the query? and if so do i also just delete the text in there currently?







thank you



ok, i just want to make sure i have this right...


you have a stock installation, other than the Guest Account contribution?


you have made all the changes required to the php files and now you are working on inserting the sql statements.


is this right?


hi again jason, ok i have added that to the database, but still getting page not found error... i reckon its something in the script that may have been overlooked, i searched topics but doesnt seem like anyone else has had this problem


im not quite sure when you say that what exactly is meant


"you have a stock installation, other than the Guest Account contribution?"


also i have made the changes to the php files as per the installation instructions....


sorry to sound stupid but filenames.php is the same as application_top.php right? as i dont have a filenames.php.




no, filenames.php and application_top.php are different.


filenames.php is really just a list of -> define (filename_bob, 'bob.php'); and that tells the system to look for bob.php whenever it sees filename_bob


application_top.php is filled with functions, definitions, etc. that are used on almost every single page.


if done properly, you might be able to get away with making some of the changes in there. maybe.


ah ok i dont seem to have a filenames.php then?? strange could that be causing a problem with scripts that i have tried to install? the rest of the shop in the past ran fine without filenames.php, and this pwa script does ask to add some "defines" to filenames.php..... i also notice i have add_application_top of which the contents read



define('GV_IMMEDIATE', true);

define('FILENAME_PRODUCT_LISTING_COL', 'product_listing_col.php');

define('FILENAME_GV_FAQ', 'gv_faq.php');

define('TABLE_GV_QUEUE', 'gv_queue');

define('FILENAME_SEND_GV', 'send_gv.php');

define('FILENAME_SEND_GV_PROCESS', 'send_gv_process.php');

define('FILENAME_GV_REDEEM', 'gv_redeem.php');

define('FILENAME_GV_REDEEM_PROCESS', 'gv_redeem_process.php');

define('TABLE_GV_CUSTOMER', 'gv_customer');

define('TABLE_GV_TRACKING', 'gv_tracking');

define('FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE1', 'popup_image1.php');

define('FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE2', 'popup_image2.php');

define('FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE3', 'popup_image3.php');

define('FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE4', 'popup_image4.php');

define('FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE5', 'popup_image5.php');

define('FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE6', 'popup_image6.php');

define('FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYPALIPN', 'checkout_paypalipn.php'); // PAYPALIPN




reckon thats filenames.php??? gosh im so confused.. but seems like we may be making progress.... cant thank you enuff for your time jason.


Add the filenames defined in PWA module at the end of /includes/application_top.php before the closing tag "?>"


Hope this helps!


unfortunately thats still not resolved the problem :( any more ideas guys or has anyone actually implented this sucessfully and if so can you help?


Omar :*(


I have installed this module many times without any problem. Your problem does not seem to be connected with PWA module.


Is your shop running fine without installation of this module?


yes kagg it works fine without the module... think i just give up and will require your assistance after all, are you able to do this job for me today? please?

  • 3 weeks later...

I am having the same problem with not finding filenames.php. Did anyone come up with the solution for using application_top.php?



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