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What is it wrong?


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:rolleyes: Hi people :rolleyes:


I am getting crazy trying to find out what is wrong in my privacy.php... I dont find the mistake!!! Could anyone help me please???


This is my file:





$Id: privacy.php,v 1.4 2002/11/19 01:48:08 dgw_ Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Privacy Notice');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Privacy Notice');


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'We know you're concerned about protecting your privacy online. So are we. At Webtemplatesolution, we treat your personal information with the highest standards of safety, security and confidentiality.We don't collect personal information without your knowledge. <p>We don't sell, rent or give your personal information to unrelated third parties. We consider that all you have to give us when you register in our site is some identity details (full name, home/work address and email address) and other optional ones such as age or country in order to help us with the market statics.</p>');





Thanks a lot :rolleyes:

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INFORMATION', 'We know you're concerned
about protecting your privacy online. So are we. At Webtemplatesolution, we treat your personal information with the highest standards of safety, security and confidentiality.We don't collect personal information without your knowledge. <p>We don't sell, rent or give your personal information to unrelated third parties. We consider that all you have to give us when you register in our site is some identity details (full name, home/work address and email address) and other optional ones such as age or country in order to help us with the market statics.</p>');


the problem lies here

INFORMATION', 'We know you're concerned
and here
We don't sell,


it is with the ' try using a / before ' so should be


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'We know you/'re concerned about protecting your privacy online. So are we. At Webtemplatesolution, we treat your personal information with the highest standards of safety, security and confidentiality.We don/'t collect personal information without your knowledge. <p>We don't sell, rent or give your personal information to unrelated third parties. We consider that all you have to give us when you register in our site is some identity details (full name, home/work address and email address) and other optional ones such as age or country in order to help us with the market statics.</p>');


this should solve the issue


you can also use


& followed by#39:


but take out the spacefollowed by part this then gives


No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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(full name, home/work address and email address) <--- WRONG.... you need to put the / to use ' or (

<span style='font-family:Courier'>If you can't fix it Perl it!!!...</span>


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you have a few ' in the TEXT_INFORMATION area. You need to proceed those with a /


the word:


would look like:



that should fix the error


as far as the images go, you will need to go into catalog/privacy.php (or which ever file you want to change) and delete the functions that call for those images. you may need to update some of the html too, just so your page format looks how it should.

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