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The e-commerce.

Module is going to make me broke.


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Someone was trying to do me a favor and set up OS to send a coupon for 10.00 when people sign up. I found coupon admin and thought I got rid of it but it keeps generation coupons. This is actually a very bad situation. I set up a website for members of a hobby forum to provide something that is hard to get in the US. This business is expected to barely turn a profit and is more of a service to a community than a profit making venuture. 10.00 off of an average of 6.00 margin per transaction will send me to the poor house quickly.


I tried to find what was generating the email and could not locate it either. I set value to 0 and it is still sending out a coupon.


any help would be apprecitated




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Modify the following line in /catalog/includes/add_ccgvdc_application_top.php:


// Set the coupon ID that will be sent by email to a new signup, if no id is set then no email :)



Make it as:


// Set the coupon ID that will be sent by email to a new signup, if no id is set then no email :)



Coupon id should be left blank.

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what would happen if I were to delete "add_ccgvdc_application_top.php:" is the only thing it does is coupons. If this has no other function and will cause no problems, I would rather not have it all and get that tiny bit of space back.


Thanks for any info you can give me.

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