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fedex shipping weight


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Not a big problem compared to my other posts where nobody could answer (still waiting though) :(

Im curious to know why my product weights don't seem to come out right, I have my weight entered as 1 in the admin area for the product and when I check out, it shows as 1 x 11lbs for the fedex module.

Please advice and thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you figure this out? I removed the display of the weight from my checkout cart but I do recall seeing this once also. I have been trying to figure out why my shipping charges have been coming in way over actual costs, I did some checking and if I make the first package 11 pounds the numbers match what osC is calculating.


If you know where the problem is, I would appriciate hearing.




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Thanks Shin, that was the problem. Now I know what a tare is. :)




tare (t?r)

1. The weight of a container or wrapper that is deducted from the gross weight to obtain net weight.

2. A deduction from gross weight made to allow for the weight of a container.

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