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The e-commerce.

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I REALLY like the way you did that header, and the way the search function is moved to the top into that "dead" space.


PLEASE share how you did that?


Also, how did you get the Contact, Info and Links info boxes down to the bottom?

That would clear up more area on my own client's site.


Also, how did you get the Best seller and Shopping carts to display differently, and take away the dead space between the boxes?


I am pretty OSC dense, but I am stubborn so I get it eventually :)


Now for a little constructive criticism, pretty much delegated to appearance only..


The Hover link is a little too... powerdy blue to match the colors and apprear well with the rest of the site.


Maybe something... maroon, Dark red? something darker though, because it doesnt show well with the darker colored background in the info boxes, though is more...appearable :) with the lighter grey, however, again, not so well on the white.


The table graphics could use a little more cleaning up. The Notify Me icon has a lot of stray pixels floating around the outside of it, and alot of the table header images have white backgrounds still around them still. Was your old site all white BG? The products themselves have Fantastic pics and are very clean and sharp, though with having the white background, they look a little odd with the darker bg on the display pages. The alternate darker/white product listing table makes it look strange with the white box, grey section, whole white section, white box, grey section, and so on...

If you know what I am talking about that is! ;)


Maybe try one with the background transparent and see if it looks right?? Not sure if that would detract from the sharpness of the pics tho. Would have to be trial and error. Make sure you keep your original pic :)


I think thats about it..


Hope this helps some!!

One of these days, I will actually understand what I just changed...


But reading the Manual DEFINATELY helps...

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Thank you very much Melina.


I changed the location of the search box and info box contents mainly by following the code around. Start by looking at includes/column_right.php and includes/column_left.php. That will show you which files to look at first. From there, you'll have to find the function that's called to draw the box. Once you know the function (or class) name, you can look for where it is defined (usually in includes/modules, incldues/boxes or includes/classes). That is where you make the mod.


Thanks for the other suggestions. I've struggled a bit the JPG's background. Since products are displayed in a variety of places (i.e. info boxes, BODY area, product listings, etc), it's difficult to have a bg that works in each location. Unless, as you suggest, you use a transparent bg (which is only possible using GIF format). My products have too much detail, they must be JPG.


Anyway, thanks again.



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I have been trying to get a "featured Products" working. I tried the contrib but it looked bad, no header, description to the right instead of below. How did you get your "featured items" to look like they do?

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LOL Terry, that was another question I wanted to ask.


Hacking around, I was finally able to get the links into the footer, but have not the foggist on how to get the dang search or anything into the header right. I have spent about three days taking bit by bit and sticking it in there. I must be pulling the wrong section.


As far as the Featured products, that is sweet. It has a very clean look, and makes a great presentation. I wanna know how to do that too :<

One of these days, I will actually understand what I just changed...


But reading the Manual DEFINATELY helps...

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- When I want to search something and there's no match. I get the back button.

If I press this I go to the advanced search screen.

This ia already weird since I did not come from there.


- Also, in the advanced search screen you have the old search button.






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  • 4 months later...

I did an oscommerce site for a friend and gave her a list of places to submit her url to. She did get into the DMOZ directory, which I think helped alot. I started reading about Google Page Ranks, and installed the Google toolbar to see what some of the rankings are. I was surprised to see that her oscommerce site had a PR of 5. I think DMOZ is the key.


Just a guess.

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